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Red Meat.

Meat comes from cattle and poultry. They are raised at farms with proper feeding and care. The meat from cattle is more commonly known as red meat. There are various types of meats.Red MeatsRed meat can be of the following types −Beef − It comes from cattle over 12 months old. This meat is dark red in color with a thick layer of white fat. The meat is hard and thick.Veal − It is the meat of cattle less than 3 months old. It is deep pink with medium layer of white fat. Veal is lean and tender as compared to beef.Pork − It is the meat of domestic swine (pig). The meat is light pink in color with a thick layer of creamy-white colored fat.Ham − It is the meat of pork leg.Bacon − It is the tender meat of pig’s belly.Pork ribs − It is the meat around pig’s ribs.Lamb − It is the tender meat of sheep or goat aged less than one year. It is light red and soft as compared to mutton.Mutton − It is the meat of sheep or goat older than one year. It is maroon-red colored meat, harder than lamb meat and gives strong flavor.Game Meat (Venison) − It is the meat of any animal that is hunted for food instead of raised in the farms. It includes the meat of Rabbit, Pheasant, Wild duck, deer, or sometimes a bigger animal like bison. It has strong flavor. The game meat is widely consumed in Africa.Meats take longest time to cook in non-veg cookery. Shelf life of meat is 3 to 4 days in refrigerator or a couple of months in freezer.

Verbal and non verbal reasoning

This PDF contains questions on verbal and non verbal reasoning. This helps students who are preparing for competitive exams like GATE,CAT,GMAT etc which also test their Communication.

Agents of Artificial Intelligence

Agents of Artificial Intelligence described here properly. Just go through it.

Turbulent flow

Turbulent flow

Effective Learning Of How to Code

Are you a beginner in coding and finding it difficult to code effectively? Then this space may be helpful to you

Deadlock in Operating Systems

Deadlock is a very important topic of computer operating system. The concept of deadlock is described here properly. please go through it

Previous Year Applied chemistry-1 solved question paper

Mumbai university solved question paper of Applied chemistry which will help students to get overview of paper pattern and also for last minute preparation

Cloud Computing

It contains an overview on cloud security.

Notes of properties of Logarithmic and exponential Functions

This clip contains notes of properties of Log and exponential functions.


Available below is the gate paper for students preparing for competetive examination. The material provided is for preparation and revision purpose.

Programming with Ruby

Ruby on rails book consists 11 chapters, there names are From Zero to Deploy, A Demo App, Mostly Static Pages, Rails-Flavored Ruby, Filling in the Layout, Modeling Users, Sign Up, Sign In, Sign Out, Updating, Showing, and Deleting Users, User Microposts, and Following Users.

Gas Power Cycles

Gas Power Cycles

Company law

Company law bba

Individual dynamics question paper 2015-16

This is Individual Dynamics and Leadership question paper of Final Examination 2015-16 of SVKM's NMIMS School of Business Management#NMIMS #IDL

Switching techniques in networking

This PDF file containing the knowledge about switching techniques topic in networking.

Concrete technology assignments

Concrete technology assignments