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DCN class notes COMPLETE

DCN class notes COMPLETE

Engineering mechanics-Hydrostatics

Contents covered in this pdf regarding Hydrostatics.In this pdf there is detailed information with solved and unsolved questions.

Free electron theory of metals

This PDF contain information about free electron theory of metals.It includes classical and quantum free electron theory of gases,Fermi Dirac statistics,kronig penny model, density of states of bulk,1D,2dD.


Solar energy is radiant light and heat from the Sun that is harnessed using a range of ever-evolving technologies such as solar heating, photovoltaics, solar thermal energy, solar architecture, molten salt power plants, and artificial photosynthesis.


This includes the brief about pneumothorax with condition which may lead to it which few clinical symptoms.

1PUC Physics Midterm question paper

This question paper was set by St.Josephs PU College

Are you emotionally exploited ?

Are You Being Emotionally Exploited?Are You Being Emotionally Exploited? Have you ever been part of an interaction with another person that left you feeling drained, confused, and inadequate? You may have been dealing with an emotional manipulator. These people get an A+ in stealth coercion. Often times, you’ll walk away from these situations giving the other person exactly what he/she wanted without even realizing that you gave it to them in the first place. It may start out as a completely normal conversation. Maybe you came to them because something they said or did upset you and, like the grown up person you are, you pulled them aside to try and talk it out. Or, maybe there’s actually no conversation at all. Maybe this person is someone you have to be around a lot: An in-law, a co-worker, or a boss. Maybe he/she uses body language and nonverbal cues that make it more than clear that you aren’t welcome, accepted, or liked, but then when he/she speaks with you, it’s in the most polite and sincere tone you have ever heard. Emotional manipulators (or Machiavellian-Feeling Ninjas, as I like to call them) are skilled deceivers. They usually have high emotional intelligence and can bend and shape any social interaction to their advantage. They are shrewd observers, taking in the communication around them and easily establishing a baseline on individuals which they will use to analyze that person’s strengths and weaknesses. They may even ask probing questions in conversational tones in order to get a better fix on you. Once they have you down, they’ll use their knowledge to exert dominance over you.

Understanding Inflation in India_2015_Ball-Chari

Given below are the notes for economics students, studying the subject macro economics. The document includes topics such as Core Inflation and Supply Shocks, Application to India, The Role of Food and Fuel Prices, etc. #IIM Ranchi

Digital Marketing

This document lists the various important topics to be taught as part of Digital Marketing course.

Communication skills 2017 paper-Manit bhopal

Communication skills 2017 paper Manit Bhopal for 1st year students.

Python Programming - Inheritance

In this PDF there is detailed concepts and programs related to python Programming regarding inheritance.You will be able to learn how to use in daily life.

Engineering mechanics-Helical springs and pendulums

In this pdf there is a deatailed explaination about helical springs and pendulums

Dynamic programming

Accurate and appropriate data, printed study material Dynamic programming

Pump and it's classification

Pump and it's classification

Foreign exchange economics

Foreign exchange economics

Business Ethics Case Study

In the social sciences and life sciences, a case study is a research method involving an up-close, in-depth, and detailed examination of a subject of study, as well as its related contextual conditions. Case studies can be produced by following a formal research method.