Knowledge in 3rd sem

ASM STLD 3rd Semester IP University B-Tech(CSE)

These are the notes of the subject: STLD in B-tech (Computer science) 3rd Semester. These are the handwritten notes. These are easy to understand and include topic ASM. They are prepared very carefully and are very clear, and will help you to achieve good marks in the exams.

STLD 3rd Semester 2nd year IP University B-tech(CSE)

These are the notes of the subject: STLD in B-tech (Computer science) 3rd Semester. These are the handwritten notes. These are easy to understand and include all the topics covered. They are prepared very carefully and are very clear, and will help you to achieve good marks in the exams.

Data Structures(DS) 3rd Semester Unit-2 B-Tech(CSE) IP University

These are the notes of the subject: Data Structures(DS) in B-tech (Computer science) 3rd Semester. These are the handwritten notes of unit-2. These are easy to understand and include all the topics covered by unit-2. They are prepared very carefully and are very clear, and will help you to achieve good marks in the exams.

STLD Book 3rd semester IP University B-Tech(CSE)

These are the book notes of the subject STLD in the 3rd semester of the Btech(CSE) in IP University. It is one of the main subjects in the 3rd semester. Thes are well-prepered notes. study them well to score good marks in the exams.

SME 2018

This PDF file contains the scanned copy of SME 2018 for second year students of Economics Honors of Delhi University.


This PDF file contains the scanned copy of PREVIOUS YEAR SOLUTIONS for second year students of Economics Honors of Delhi University.

Chapter 7 Solutions

This PDF file contains the scanned copy of SOLUTIONS OF CHAPTER 7 for second year students of Economics Honors of Delhi University.


This PDF file contains the scanned copy of SME 2016 for second year students of Economics Honors of Delhi University.


This PDF file contains the scanned copy of SME 2017 for second year students of Economics Honors of Delhi University.

Basic Econometrics

This PDF file contains the scanned copy of notes of BASIC ECONOMETRICS for second year students of Economics Honors of Delhi University.

Python Programming Language

This contains the basic handwritten notes on python programming language that we have studied in 3rd semester. It contains knowledge of strings, textfiles and book of python crash course. Python Crash Course is a fast-paced, thorough introduction to Python that will have you writing programs, solving problems, and making things that work in no time.

DBMS(database management system)

The DBMS manages incoming data, organizes it, and provides ways for the data to be modified or extracted by users or other programs. Some DBMS examples include MySQL, PostgreSQL, Microsoft Access, SQL Server, FileMaker, Oracle, RDBMS, dBASE, Clipper, and FoxPro. Database Management System (DBMS) is a software for storing and retrieving users' data while considering appropriate security measures. It consists of a group of programs which manipulate the database.