Knowledge in Agriculture Economics

Agriculture Finance

Agriculture Finance is a Branch of Economics which deal with all management of credit considering farm as a unit. In this you will know about Agriculture finance and why its needed for Agriculture.

Credit Analysis: 3'R

Credit Analysis is done to check the economic Feasibility of any one. it's Mainly done through 3'R I.e. Return from Investment Repayment Capacity & Risk Bearing Ability of anyone.

5'C of Credit

5'C of Credit is also Used to Analyse Credit Feasibility. Character Capacity Capital Condition Commonsens are the 5 C , these parameter are used .In this note you will know about them

Repayment Plan for Loan

There are various type of Repayment plans for the loan.In this note you will know about the types of Repayment Plans and their characteristics and importance.

Regional Rural Bank

In this note you will know about Regional Rural Bank.The Government of India accepted the recommendations of Sri.Narsimham committee and regional rural banks came in to existence through regional rural banks ordinance on 26th September, 1975.


This programme was named as integrated rural development programme. IRDP is basically an action-oriented and time bound programme. In this Note you will know about its function,importance and how it being Implemented.

Farm Planing

Farm planning is a process to allocate the scare resources of the farm to organize the farm production in such a way as to increase the resource use efficiency and the income of the farmer. It's a hand written note.

Farm Management

Farm management, making and implementing of the decisions involved in organizing and operating a farm for maximum production and profit.

Farm Budgeting

It refers to preparing budget for the farm as a whole. Complete budgeting considers all the crops, livestock, methods of production and aspects of marketing in consolidated form and estimates costs and returns for the farm as a whole. in this hand written notes you will know about farm Budgeting and its type.

7 P of Credit

In this Hand written note You will know about 7 Principal of credit,Which are used now days by many institutions for providing credit.

Concept of Product

For making any product you should know about its concept and dimensions,In this not you will know about Concept of product and its dimensions.

Decision Making

decision-making is regarded as the cognitive process resulting in the selection of a belief or a course of action among several alternative possibilities.