Knowledge in Bank PO

Yes Bank Ltd.

Business Overview Yes Bank is 4th largest private bank with loans & advances of INR 2.04trn and total assets in excess of INR 3.0trn. Bank operates with 1,100 branches across the country. Bank is increasing the focus to retail banking, which has grown by 99% Y-o-Y in FY18. This segment contributed 12.2% of total advances in FY18 as compared to 9.1% in FY15. Yes Bank’s loans & advances and deposits grew at 39% and 30% CAGR respectively over FY15-18 as compared to 7-8% industry growth in both loans & advances and deposits over the same period. Hence, bank’s market share in advances grew by 1.1% in FY15 to 2.3% in FY18 and market share in deposits grew from 1.0% to 1.7% from FY15-18. We expect current growth to continue.