Clayton's Case

Clayton's case explained as a part of Banking.

Garnishee Order

Infirmation about Garnishee order.

Cash Credit system and overdraft facility

Cash credit system short notes and overdraft facility.

Social insurance

Social Insurance

Life Insurance

Life insurannce

Some important flowcharts

Some important flowcharts reated to management behaviour.

Line and staff organisation

Line and staff organisation with their features, advantages and disadvantages.

Project organisation

Project organisation with its features, advantages and disadvantages.

Assignment on evolution of management

An assignment on evolution of management with all the details.

Banking, Financial Markets and Systems

The document covers- Net Interest Margin Fisher Effect Net demand and time Liabilities Tier 1 capital and Tier 2 capital Basel 2 Liquidity risk Asset Backed Securities Collateralised Debt Obligations

Types of fire insurance policies

Fire insurance is property insurance that covers damage and losses caused by fire. The purchase of fire insurance in addition to homeowners or property insurance helps to cover the cost of replacement, repair, or reconstruction of property, above the limit set by the property insurance policy.