Knowledge in book notes

8085 microprocessor B-tech(CSE) 4th Semester IP University

These are the notes for the topic of 8085 microprocessors under the subject: computer organization and architecture (COA) B-Tech(CSE). This is one of the difficult topics of the subject. study this carefully to score good marks in the exam.

Mechanics Unit-3 2nd Sem IP University

This book contains the chapters of unit-3 . Some of the important points are also marked in the book. This is easy to understand chapters. And the chapters mentioned are important concerning the exams. This is clear and easy to understand topics, which will help in scoring good marks in the exams of the IP university.

Applied Maths BOOK B-Tech(CSE) IP University

These are the book notes of the subject: Applied Maths(AM) of B-Tech (Computer Science). These are easy to understand notes. These are handwritten notes with full clarity. and are well made, explaining all the concepts.

Applied Maths BOOK B-Tech(CSE) IP University

These are the notes of the subject: Applied Maths(AM) of B-Tech (Computer Science). These are easy to understand notes and contains full. These are handwritten notes with full clarity. and are well made, explaining all the concepts.