Knowledge in calculation of regression class 10

Minerals and energy resources

CBSE Class 10 Detailed notes of geography chapter Minerals and energy resources useful for board examination and thorough revision

Chemical reactions and equations

CBSE Class 10 Detailed notes of chemistry chapter chemical reactions and equations along with ncert exercise useful for board examination and thorough revision

The making of global world

CBSE Class 10 Detailed notes of history chapter The making of global world useful for board examination and thorough revision

Acid Bases and Salts

CBSE Class 10 Detailed notes of chemistry chapter acid bases and salts useful for board examination and thorough revision

Coordination and control

These are compact and brief notes on topic coordination and control class 10 biology

How do organisms reproduce

These are compact and brief notes on topic how do organisms reproduce of class 10

Heredity and evolution

These are compact and brief notes on topic heredity and evolution of class 10

Heredity and evolution

These are compact and brief notes on topic heredity and evolution of class 10


These are compact and brief notes on topic electricity class 10

Magnetic effect of electric current

These are compact and brief notes on topic magnetic effect of electric current class 10

our enviornment

These are compact and brief notes on topic our enviornment class 10