Knowledge in calculation of regression class 12

Correlation analysis

Class 12 Cbse Methods of studying correlation


Class 12th CBSE board Detailed notes of physics chapter fluids- fluids mechanics, types of liquid flow, Bernoulli theorem and it's application etc. Useful for board examination and other competitive exams.


Class 12 CBSE Detailed notes of physics chapter FRICTION and other important related terms Useful for board examination and competitive exams.

Kinematics projectile

Class 12th CBSE Detailed notes of physics chapter kinematics projectile, projectile motion with all cases, special cases, examples. Useful for board examination and other competitive exams.

Consumer Protection

Class 12 CBSE Notes of business studies chapter consumer protection, consumer protection Act, roles, rights and remedies, importance etc. Useful for board examination and other competitive exams


Class 12 CBSE Notes of business studies chapter Staffing, process, importance, staffing as a part of HRM, comparison etc. Useful for board examination and other competitive exams.

Financial Management

Class 12th CBSE Detailes notes of business studies chapter financial management, objectives, investment decision, financial decision, dividend decision etc. Useful for board examination and other competitive exams and for instant revision.

Financial market

Class 12th CBSE Detailed notes of business studies chapter financial market, it's functions, money market, it's instruments, capital market, Sebi, regulations etc. Useful for board examination and other competitive exams and for deep revision.

Determination of income and expenditure

Class 12th CBSE Detailed notes of economics chapter Determination of income and expenditure, aggregate demand and supply, fiscal measures, equilibrium etc with proper explanation of all the cases through graphs. Useful for board examination and other competitive exams and revision.


Class _12th CBSE Detailed notes of physics chapter thermodynamics, Carnot cycle, efficiency, examples, cases, exceptions etc. Useful for board examination , revision and other competitive exams.

Class 12 IED chapter 1 notes

Class 12th Indian Economic Development chapter 1 notes and question-answers