Knowledge in Case study

Memo from Professional communication

Another section of professional communication of btech First year course.

Research methodology

Given pdf is for understanding fundamentals of research Methodology more descriptively through case studies.

Case studies

These are some of case studies related to event coordination. If you want to solve case studies then please read first my 2nd clip:)

Case studies of types of event coordination

These are some case studies related to types of events. If you want to solve these, please read previous two clips. Also there are some study questions in the last page:)

Case studies pt.3

Some case studies related to events structure, summary of event structure, some questions of study questions of event structure and references of event structure.


business environment case studies

Ecommerce case study

various case studies of e commerce

How to Help Yourself Remember What You Studied

Whether you’re getting ready for your finals or enrolled in a GAMSAT prep course such as, there’s nothing worse than spending hours studying only to realize you don’t remember anything after the fact. Here’s how you can help your brain remember what you are learning.Step #1 - Clear away distractionsBrains aren’t good at focusing on command. So as you start to study, your attention to what you’re doing slowly rises until it peaks. And every time you get distracted, you need to gather up your focus again, limiting your ability to absorb what you’re reading. So you should make sure there are no distractions around your study area.Step #2 - Take breaksYour ability to stay focused on one task for long periods is also limited. So make sure you’re taking a 10-minute break every hour or so to give your mind and focus some time to relax and recover. You can use that opportunity to stretch and hydrate yourself.Step #3 - Master the revisionYou should close every study session with a short revision of what you saw that day. And then revise what you learned that week once a week. Going back to get a refresher on what you just learned will significantly increase your chances of actually remembering these topics later, whether it be in a month or a year.

How to Stay Focused During Study Sessions

Whether you’re getting ready for a test or trying to prepare for the GAMSAT, figuring out how to stay focused on the task at hand is an important part of that process. Here are some steps you can follow to help you improve your study focus.Step #1 - Block out distractionsYou may think you have enough self-control to stay focused even when distracting things are around you, but even if you can, that doesn’t mean you should. It’s much easier to keep your mind on the task at hand if you turn off your phone and find a quiet place to study.Step #2 - Study in burstsTruly focusing and learning new things are both cognitively demanding tasks. And once your brain is exhausted, it starts to seek distractions. One way to avoid that exhaustion is to study in short bursts, rather than in one long session. Try taking a 10-minute break for every 50 minutes of study, for example. Or give the Pomodoro method a go.Step #3 - Try different approachesIf you are having trouble studying on your own, a different approach might be the solution. Maybe you’d have an easier time watching videos, working with a private tutor, forming a study group, or enrolling in a prep course like Finding the best approach for you will take some trial and error, but it is worth the effort.

How to Track Your Expenses as a Student

There are many challenges to life as a college student and one of the biggest is having to make do with limited funds. If you want to make sure you can cover all of your expenses with the funds you have available, it's crucial that you keep track of where your money is going. Especially if you are hoping to avoid racking up student debt, or you are trying to pay back your loan before finishing college.The good news is that keeping track of your expenses these days is not too difficult. Here's how you can do it.Step #1 - Pick a toolOne of the easiest ways to track your monthly expenses is to use a financial app on your phone. However, that is not the only option you have available. Spreadsheets are also a popular tool for financial tracking and planning. You can also keep track of how much you are spending using a notebook or a pocket notepad.Choose whichever method makes it easier for you to follow the next two steps in this guide regularly. You will be expected to make these part of your routine, after all, so comfort and convenience are important factors to consider.Step #2 - Track your fixed expensesStart by taking stock of all the money you have to spend every month. This includes regular bills, regular debt payments, living expenses, transportation costs, etc. This will give you a clear sense of what your overheads are.Step #3 - Track your daily expensesTake notes on every single dollar you spend so you can add it to your expenses list later. This is a good way to both see how much value you're getting out of the money you're spending, and identify areas where you might be able to cut back on spending. Maybe you can forgo a few luxuries here and there so you can use that extra cash to pay back your debt or make an investment.

Number system class 9

These are the notes of number system:- 1- data representation 2-binary number system 3-decimal number system