Knowledge in cbse class 12 english


In physics, Magnetism helps to understand the behavioural property of matter. The way a matter responds when placed in magnetic field gives rise to different types of magnetic materials like paramagnetic or diamagnetic as explained above.


Alternating current (AC) is an electric current which periodically reverses direction and changes its magnitude continuously with time in contrast to direct current (DC) which flows only in one direction.


Class 12 CBSE Notes of business studies chapter Staffing, process, importance, staffing as a part of HRM, comparison etc. Useful for board examination and other competitive exams.


Chapter - semiconductors Unit - Electronics Board - CBSE Class - 12th These notes will be helpful in the preparation of boards as well as NEET competitive exam.

Class 12 cbse economics - Chapter - Demand

Indepth notes covering various aspects of demand