Knowledge in Computer Science

History Of Computer Science

A quick and comprehensive summary on the history of computer science. Author(s): Dodig-Crnkovic G. Year: 2001

History Of Modern Computing

This book is about the history and analogy of computer and its impact on society. Author(s): Paul E. Ceruzzi Series: History of Computing Year: 2003


This pdf consist of 8085 microprocessor instruction questions with detailed explanation and solution. It covers almost all instruction set related questions and their solution.

Mathematics for Computer Scientists

In this book you find the basic mathematics that is needed by computer scientists. The author will help you to understand the meaning and function of mathematical concepts. The best way to learn it, is by doing it, the exercises in this book will help you do just that.

Basic Computer Knowledge

Basic of Computer: Computers are now affecting every sphere of human activity and bringing about many changes in industry government education medicine scientific research la social sciences and even in arts like music and painting.They are presently used among other applications,to Design buildings,bridges and machines,Control space vehicles,Assit in railway reservation,Control inventories to minimize material cost, Grade examinations and process results,Aid in teaching,Systematically store and quickly retrieve data on land records,Play games like chess and vedio games.In a model of computer in which different units input unit take the data from the user and store in memory unit cpu unit is process the data and produce output to user.Computers features have to process instructions very simply and fastly add,subtract,read a character write a character compare numbers characters etc.Most of the instructions less than millionth of second.Instructions are carried out without any mistakes.Computer is solve the problems is analyzed.The method is used to solve the problems is broken down into a seqence of elementary tasks.The computer program fed to the computer.The computer processing unit interprets the instrucion in program,executes them and sends the results to output unit.Flowchart having obtained algorithm for soving the problem,we express the algorithm in a pictorial form called a flowchart.A program is to express the flowchart in a more precise and concise notation called a programming language.Working of computer will asuume that is first read by input unitr and stored in the computer's memory.The data process namely as set of papers each with aroll number and marks are queued up at the input unit in the order in which they would be used by the flowcharts.Storing program in memory also makes the operation of computer automatic.

Computer Organisation and Design (Memory Hierarchy)

This is clip that contains the notes of computer architecture and design of the memory hierarchy part. It contains all the appropriate diagrams and examples of the contents.such as memory hierarchy, auxiliary memory and cache memory.

Prolog Language

Prolog is a high level language for programming basically in Artificial Intelligence concepts.

From Biological to Artificial Neuron Model

From Biological to Artificial Neuron Model - Chapter 1

From Biological to Artificial Neuron Model ( Presentation )

From Biological to Artificial Neuron Model - Chapter 1 presentation



Neural Networks as Associative Memory

Neural Networks as Associative Memory

Learning in Feedforward Neural Networks

Learning in Feedforward Neural Networks