Knowledge in data strcutures


This pdf contains Rajasthan Technical University DATA STRUCTURES AND ALGORITHMS old paper RTU

Header Linked list in data structures

Knowledge about Header Linked lists in structure.

Meaning of stack

Knowledge about Stack and their meaning in structure

Example of a postfix expression

Knowledge about Example of evaluation of a postfix expression in data structure

Example of the conversion (Infix into postfix)

Knowledge about Example of the conversion (Infix into postfix) in data structure

Implementation of Recursive Procedure By Stack

Knowledge about Implementation of Recursive Procedure By Stack in data structures.

Deques in data structure

Knowledge about Deques in data structure

Trees or binary trees

Knowledge about trees and binary trees in data structure

Header nodes in data structures

Knowledge about Header nodes in data structures.

Recursion and Backtracking - DSA notes

This pdf Contains notes on Topic Recursion and Backtracking - DSA notes . This is part of book DSA made easy.

Sorting - DSA notes

This pdf Contains notes on Topic Sorting - DSA notes . This is part of book DSA made easy.