It contains model question paper for Engineering DIGITAL COMMUNICATION

"This Attachment we will get so much Knowledge and Notes so it will be easy to learn the topics so in these topics has well explained very easily way so easily we can learn from these notes"

In this Attachment, We have different types of notes it will be useful for our knowledge and carrier. There is an Embedded System and Services notes that are very useful for Electronics Students and MATLAB in this PDF we will get more Knowledge about MATLAB Programming it will be useful and we will get more knowledge about MATLAB and Telecommunications Systems and Services Notes we will get much knowledge about Telecommunication Systems and Services this telecommunication notes we have different topics like about Mobile phones, Connection Cable, etc. next we have Artificial Intelligence notes and in this pdf we have so many topics about Artificial Intelligence like robots work and function, working how to work AI, what is the importance of Artificial Intelligence, Why AI is important for our generation this pdf would be helpful. Then Digital Communication notes we have so many topics about Digital telecommunication like logically digital, and next, we have about digital communication question paper we will get more questions from previous questions so it will be helpful for exams.

automatic rr technique in digital communication

this is pdf which contains digital communication notes unite 5