Knowledge in Disaster Management

Disaster Management

Disaster Management

Environmental science - Disaster management

In this PDF there is detailed concepts and examples related to environmental science regarding disaster management.You will be able to learn the use and how to protect it.

Flood Governance in India

Well Prepared Notes for all types of competitive exams and general studies.

Disaster management concepts

This PDF contains concepts of disaster management.

Disaster Management MCQ

This pdf contains a set of multiple choice questions from the topics of disaster management such as earthquake , cyclones etc.

Disaster Management notes

This pdf contains a self-explanatory concept prepared by experienced faculty for a better understanding of the students on the subject disaster management. It gives good references during the preparation of the exam.

Disaster Management Unit 2

This pdf contains a self-explanatory concept prepared by experienced faculty for a better understanding of the students on the subject of disaster management. It gives good references during the preparation of the exam.

Disaster Management Unit 3

This pdf contains a self-explanatory concept prepared by experienced faculty for a better understanding of the students on the subject of Disaster Management. It gives good references during the preparation of the exam.

Disaster Management Unit 4

This pdf contains a self-explanatory concept prepared by experienced faculty for a better understanding of the students on the subject of disaster management. It gives good references during the preparation of the exam.

Disaster Management Unit 5

This pdf contains a self-explanatory concept prepared by experienced faculty for a better understanding of the students on the subject of disaster management. It gives good references during the preparation of the exam.

Disaster Prevention and Preparedness

This pdf contains a self-explanatory concept prepared by experienced faculty for a better understanding of the students about Disaster Prevention and Preparedness. It gives good references during the preparation of the exam.

Hazards, Vulnerability and Disaster Risk

This pdf contains a self-explanatory concept prepared by experienced faculty for a better understanding of the students about the subject of disaster management ( hazards, vulnerabilities and risks ). It gives good references during the preparation of the exam.