Knowledge in English

Communication Skill Notes

Important notes for the subject of communication skills for the first semester of Btech especially made for Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University.

Communication Skill Notes

Important notes for the subject of communication skills for the first semester of Btech especially made for Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University.

Communication Notes

Important notes for the subject of human values for first semester of Btech especially made for Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University.

Parts of Speech

Parts of Speech1.      Noun:Naming words are called nouns. There are six types of nouns:i.                    Proper nounEx: Hyderabad, India, Asia etc.ii.                  Common nounEx: Lion, Cat, Mat, Sand etc.iii.                 Collective nounEx: Army, Flock, Fleet, Swarm, Herd, Class etc.iv.                Material nounEx: Granite, Gold, Silver, Copper etc.v.                  Abstract nounEx: Happiness, Love, Anger, Dignity, Kindness                Compound nounEx: Hand kerchief, Ice Cream, Water Bottle, Clock Tower, Sea Shore etc.2.      Pronoun:The words used in the place of noun to avoid repeating are called pronouns.Ex: He, She, It, They, Us, This, That, Those, Him, Her, You, Our, My, Themselves, Himself etc.3.      Verb:Action words are called verbs.Ex: eating, sleeping, listening, writing, running, teaching, learning, speaking etc.4.      Adjective:The words which describe nouns are called adjectives.Ex: Wonderful, Beautiful, Bad, smart, handsome, honest, tall, a, an, the etc5.      Adverb:A word that acts meaning to the verb or adjective are called adverb.Ex: Slowly, quickly, fastly, suddenly, spontaneously, abruptly etc.6.      PrepositionA word that shows the relation of a noun with the remaining words in the sentence is called preposition.Ex: in, on, under, at, into, onto, up, down, beside, below, above, between etc.7.      Conjunction:A word that joins two words or sentences is called conjunction.Ex: and, but, or, at, because, as, since, for, inspite of etc.8.      Interjection:A word that expresses sudden feelings is called interjection.Ex: Wow!, Oh!, Ha!, Alas!, Eureka!, Oh God! etc. 

Tribute to my best Teacher

Teachers in India are considered even above the parents. They play a significant role in shaping our lives and future. To put it rightly, teachers are much more responsible for shaping us than anyone else in our life. Some teachers leave a deep mark on us that motivates us to do extraordinary things in our life.In my life inspiration and motivation for achieving my goals was given by all the teachers who have taught me till date. Be it my kindergarten teacher who taught me how to eat and behave properly and become a mannerful child or my high school teachers who motivated me to take non-medical as my stream in 11th and helped me overcome every obstacle which came along with it. In my life, I bow down to all those teachers who taught me to be strong and fight for my problems and support the truth even if it meant to go against our society.To read complete article: VISIT MY BLOG:::::

Communicative English and Hindi (First semester paper) Makhanlal chaturvedi national and jounalism university,Bhopal

In this there is a paper of makhanlal chaturvedi national university ,bhopal first semester exam paper named Communicative English and Hindi (First semester paper).

Basics of communication

This File help you getting ready for knowing how to communicate with others. Also this will help you in dialogue writing.

Basic electronic engineering unit 1 part 4

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Worksheet on Synonyms

In this you can practice and test your knowledge on the topic of Synonyms. This is an important topic in engineering aptitude

Communicative English Notes

Notes for IELTS aspirants. Please bear with the size of the file.

Mughal Architecture

Mughal Architecture is the type of Indo-Islamic architecture developed by the Mughals in 16th, 17th and 18th centuries throughout the ever changing extent of their empire in South Asia.

letter writing