Knowledge in English

Class 10 English notes black aeroplane

This is the latest notes of class 10 cbse boards chapter black aeroplane

Class 10 English notes A triumph of surgery

This is the latest notes of class 10 cbse a triumph of surgery

Class 10 English notes dust of snow

This is the latest notes of class 10 cbse dust of snow.

Class 10 English notes poem fog

This is the latest notes of class 10 cbse English fog.

Class 10 English notes A question of trust

This is the latest notes of class 10 cbse English notes A question of trust.

Class 10 English notes poem amanda

This is the latest notes of class 10 cbse English poem amanda.

Class 10 English notes coorg.

This is the latest notes of class 10 cbse the coorg.

Notes on Why I Want A Wife by Judy Brady

The clip includes notes on the poem by Judy Brady for AECC- English

Critical Answer on Shakespeare's Twelfth Night

the clip includes a critical answer to the play by Shakespeare, important for students of English Hons.

Translation Exercise

Translation exercise for students of English Hons.

Background- 18th Century

Important background on the historical background during the 18th century Europe for English Hons students.

Background- Restoration Comedies

Important Background on Restoration Comedies for students of English Literature.