Knowledge in Genetics

Genetic Algorithm Term Paper

There is a term paper on genetic algorithm of artificial intelligence

Genetic algorithm and their applications

Here is a brief description of what genetic algorithm each and also state some applications of it

Genetic algorithm coding

proc GA(Fitness, theta, n, r, m)  ; Fitness is the fitness function for ranking individuals  ; theta is the fitness threshold, which is used to determine  ;  when to halt  ; n is the population size in each generation (e.g., 100)  ; r is the fraction of the population generated by crossover (e.g., 0.6)  ; m is the mutation rate (e.g., 0.001)  P := generate n individuals at random  ; initial generation is generated randomly  while max Fitness(hi) < theta do   i   ; define the next generation S (also of size n)   Reproduction step: Probabilistically select   (1-r)n individuals of P and add them to S intact, where   the probability of selecting individual hi is   Prob(hi) = Fitness(hi) / SUM Fitness(hj)     j   Crossover step: Probabilistically select rn/2 pairs   of individuals from P according to Prob(hi)   foreach pair (h1, h2), produce two offspring by applying the crossover operator and add these offspring to S       Mutate step: Choose m% of S and randomly invert one bit in each   P := S  end_while  Find b such that Fitness(b) = max Fitness(hi)   i  return(b)end_proc

Law of Mendel

G.J.Mendel is the Father of Genetics. He gives various laws,You will know about Law of Inheritance, Law of independent assortment, Law of segregation. It is a hand written Note.

Hardy Weinberg Law

Hardy Weinberg Law was proposed by G.H Hardy and Weinberg.According to this theory mutation introduce new Gene's in the species. Through this hand written note you will know about them.

Human Genome Project

Human Genome Project Was a 9 billion dollar project.This project was started by U.S.Department of Energy and National Institute of Health. It was Launched in 1993 and completed in 2003. In this Hand written note you will k ow about it.

Chromosomal Abbreviations

Chromosomal Abbreviations are the change in Number and arrangement of chromosomes of a gene.In this ha d written note you will know about them and their types.

Important Terms of Genetics

In this hand written note, You will find about definition of various important terms of Genetics.

Somaclonal Variation

Somaclonal variation is the variation seen in plants that have been produced by plant tissue culture. Chromosomal rearrangements are an important source of this variation.


the pdf conatins notes for genetics


This clip contains notes of genomics.

Genes and chromosomes

Genes and their basis along with chromosomes is displayed properly.