Knowledge in idioms


These files contain the information regarding the English Language Skills . It covers a wide range of topics related to English Language and the subject related to English in competitive examinations. This gives a wide variety to the readers with user friendly language and pictorial representation for great understanding . Moreover these ppt are designed with error free writing.

English language and communication

These PPTs contain idioms,phrases,one word substitutes which are helpful to students in order to improve their Communication skills.Using these words in daily life brings a huge difference in communicating effectively.

Communication skills-Sentences,idioms and proverbs

In this PDF there is detailed concepts and examples related to Communication skills regarding sentences,idioms and proverbs .You will be able to learn how to use in daily life.

idioms for better english

This presentation is prepared by faculty of sreenidhi. It helps to have a better glance of important topics before any competitive exams. It gives us vivid knowledge in different areas. These presentations give better and clear understanding for topics mentioned. These presentations help students to prepare for competitive exams and also to have a quick glance for topics mentioned.

A basic guide to English language

These are the notes of the subject English language for all the people across the world and are targeted to the basic-intermediate English skills. These will prove beneficial to all the people out there accessing these pdfs and help them to score good marks in their exams.


An idiom is a phrase that, when taken as a whole, has a meaning you wouldn't be able to deduce from the meanings of the individual words.
