Knowledge in Machine learning

K-Nearest Neighbors from inbuilt libraries

K-Nearest Neighbors made from inbuilt libraries it is a classification model of machine learning

Kernel SVM from inbuilt libraries

Kernel SVM made from inbuilt libraries. It is a classification model of machine learning

Gaussian Naive Bayes from inbuilt libraries

Gaussian Naive Bayes made from inbuilt libraries. It is a classification model of machine learning.

Decision Tree Classifier made from inbuilt libraries

Decision Tree Classifier made from inbuilt libraries. It is a classifier model of machine learning.

Random Forest Classifier made from inbuilt libraries

Random Forest Classifier made from inbuilt libraries. It is a classifier model of machine learning.

K-Means Clustering form inbuilt libraries

K-Means Clustering made form inbuilt libraries. It is a clustering model of machine learning.

Hierarchical Clustering form inbuilt libraries

Hierarchical Clustering made form inbuilt libraries. It is a clustering model of machine learning.

Face detection using python

Face detection code in python language made by using face_cascade.xml file. face_cascade.xml is used for making green box around faces.

Eye Detection using python

Eye Detection program made using python with the help of haarcascade_eye.xml. haarcascade_eye.xml is used for making green boxes around eyes.

Image Segmentation using python

Image Segmentation made using python language. Segmenting an image means making border for each object of a image.

Recursive Feature Elimination (RFE)

Recursive Feature Elimination (RFE) is a feature that recursively removes features and builds a model using the remaining attributes and calculates model accuracy.

Principal Component Analysis (PCA)

Principal component analysis is a statistical technique that is used to simplify the model by analyzing the interrelationships among a large number of variables and to explain these variables in terms of a smaller number of variables, with a minimum loss of information.