Knowledge in Macro economics

National Income Expenditure Method

Class 12 Economics National Income Expenditure Method

Numericals on Expenditure Method

Class 12 Economics Numericals on Expenditure Method

Numericals on Income and expenditure method

Class 12 Economics Numericals on Income and expenditure method

Estimation of National Income Qs

Class 12 Economics Estimation of National Income Qs

Practice Assignment

Class 12 Economics Practice Assignment National Income

GDP and Welfare

Class 12 Economics GDP and Welfare

determination of income and employment Introduction

Class 12 Economics determination of income and employment Introduction

Consumption Function

Class 12 Economics Consumption Function

Consumption Function Qs

Class 12 Economics Consumption Function Qs

Government Budget And The Economy Points to Remember

Class 12 Economics Government Budget And The Economy Points to Remember

Types of expenditure - economics

These notes are about different type of expenditures out of salary/ income - economics

Theory of supply

This PDF is of the concept of theory of supply which is very much important for the class 11 and 12 students.