Knowledge in Maths


Application of Derivatives Complex Numbers Determinant

Integration and its various properties

This contains the concept of integration,its properties and application. This is relevant for class 12th.

Problems on clocks and calendar

One of the most intersting topic for CAT and competitive exams. The file covers calculating the angle, calculating the time with formulas and without formaulas, concept of fast and slow clocks. How to calculate the week/day in a leap/non leap year, odd day's concept etc.

3-D Geometry.

This contains handwritten notes of 3-D geometry.3D geometry involves the mathematics of shapes in 3D space and involving 3 coordinates which are x-coordinate, y-coordinate and z-coordinate

Application of derivatives

This clip has all the necessary notes required to excel in Applications of Derivatives.The applications of derivatives are: To determine the rate of change of a quantity with respect to another changing quantity.