Knowledge in Micro economics


The Fixed Costs, Variable Costs, Marginal Costs, Average Costs and all other concepts of costs in Micro economics with graphs just at one place.

Demand Forecasting

Every business is born with a futuristic approach and hence demand forecasting is an appropriate tool for the same. Let us dive into the pool of Demand Forecasting.

Monetary Policy in the Indian Context

Monetary Policy in the Indian Context

Elasticity of Demand and Supply

The degree of responsiveness shown in the demand or supply of a commodity with reference to it's attributes like Price, Income, etc. is called Elasticity. In Economics, elasticity is not about extension of something, it means the attitude of one component with respect to the changes in another. For more information, feel free to access the attachment here.

Indifference Curve Analysis

The optimum combination of two commodities which one customer has to compromise to get another unit of another category.


Utility is the want satisfying power of a commodity. Types of utility are mentioned in the following attachment. Happy reading..!!

Microeconomics Introduction

Want to know about Micro Economics and it's managerial aspect? Then why wait..?? Just click here to get the attachment.

Break Even Point Analysis

When Costs and Revenues meet t no profit no loss situations in a business...


Solutions for Exercises of Chapter 4 of Managerial-Economics-And-Business-Strategy-8th-Edition-Solution-Manual-Baye-Prince.

Managerial Economics

Budget line in Economics


Inflation Inflation is the only form of taxation that can be imposed without legislation - Milton Friedman Inflation generally occurs when there is an imbalance in demand and supply. It can occur if the demand for the good increases suddenly or it can even occur if there is a fall in the supply of the goods. It will ultimately result in the increase of the price of the goods.  We are aware of OPEC (Organization of petroleum exporting countries.). OPEC was established to keep the demand supply in check and hence they can charge higher rates. CPI (IW),CPI(Agri) etc are calculated observing different patterns of consumer consumption. These specific indices are used by government to revise pay scales and pay dearness allowances.  Headline inflation also known as WPI calculates prices using raw materials and semi furnished goods.  It does not include price of services. It is industrial inflation. Whenever monetary inflation occurs at a very high rate, it is known as hyperinflation. After first world war, Germany started printing money without any significant output, ultimately leading to hyperinflation. However, a small amount of Inflation is good for market. It keeps the sentiment of the market right. Stock markets remain high!