Knowledge in Microbiology

Microbial degradation

The activity of microbes and its degradation


All about bio piracy

Heridity and Evolution

Accumulation of variation during reproduction,Heridity,Speciation

Physics of the Human Eye

Structure of eye,Vision Diseases,Pupil Management and Cornea

The Circulatory System

The Circulatory System and the Lymphatic Sustem,Heart and its working,Cardiac Cycle,Blood vessels.

The Digestive System

Functions of Human Digestive System,its organisation,Histology of the Alimentary Canal

Human Respiratory System Physiology

Mechanism of breathing,Regulation and control of breathing,ventilation,Lung volumes,Diffusion,Perfusion

DNA Structure

Structure of Human DNA, information regarding genetics.

Population structure

Population refers to the individuals living or inhabiting in the same area at the same time.Its dynamics depends upon age,density,dispersion,size & speciation. Factors of population: 1.Natality:no. of individuals added through birth. 2.Mortality:no. of individuals removed through death. Population density:no. of individuals in a population per unit habit area.It depends on structure ,age & mating. A speciation in a population dynamics involves generation or formation of new species through evolution that may occur in a particular geographical area. Types of speciation: 1.Sympatric:When new & existing species live in same geographical area at same time period. 2.Allopatric:When different species live in diiferent geographical ares but at same period of time. 3.Parapatric:Addition of new species to a new geographical area which may lead to positive & negative interactions between population groups which may lead to deletion of a few selected species. Population dispersion can be in the form of cluster,clump,uniform or random. Fluctuation in a population may occur due to environmental changes. Population studies are represented as demographs,Its a graphical way of representing population statics,they are usually related to  a no. of 1000 or more.They can be in the form of stable,expanding or declining structure. Population growth depends on biotic & abiotic factors,they are charachterised as both generalised & logical.In generalised form there are four phases such the lag phase which is the early growth phase,log phase which is the exponential phase,stationary or stable phase & declining or death phase.In logical form,it is assumed that more  no. of population are found in that particular period of time. Survivalship curve refers to an organisms adapatation & its ability to reproduce naturally under a given duration of time which later on represented in the form of a graph. Factors influencing population growth are natural calamities,birth & death rate,increased predation,competetion for food & other resources & disease.  

Immune system

It has information about immune system and its functions

Cell signalling

This presentation will help you study cell signalling in a very easy manner.

Nervous system

Here you will get to learn alot about the nervous system