Knowledge in Money supply

Money,Banking and International Finance

Instructors can use this textbook for courses in Money & Banking, or International Finance or some hybrid in between them

How to Avoid Fraud When Spending Money Online

The internet is a wonderful tool for making and spending money, but as any investment fraud lawyer can tell you, the web is also a breeding ground for all sorts of financial scams. Here’s how you can stay clear of those scams when making purchases or investments online.Step #1 - Stick to trusted namesWhile established industry leaders are sometimes caught trying to defraud consumers, that’s not common. More often scammers will operate under new brand names and use a variety of sales tricks to push customers into sending money their way. And you can avoid those issues by sticking to the brands and professionals whose reputations you’re familiar with.Step #2 - Check online reviewsYou know the saying: trust, but verify. Even when working with platforms and brands you know, it’s a good idea to see what other customers are saying about them, and what complaints are often raised. You can get both and more by reading online reviews.Step #3 - Compare the dealIf an offer seems too good to be true, it probably is. Especially if that offer is attached to an arbitrary time limit or some other trick to encourage buyers and investors to make a snap decision. As can be seen on, registered financial advisors and other professionals can be held accountable for fraudulent actions, but holding online strangers accountable is much more difficult. Therefore, it is better to play it safe.

Money, its supply and types

Meaning of Money, Who supplies money? Different types of money and its application.

Measures of Money Supply

This contains all the four measures of money supply, M1, M2, M3, M4. This is relevant for class 12

money and credit

This pdf contains about money and credit which will help you to understand different types of money.