Knowledge in NEET


the pdf contains notes for ecosystem suitable for neet course

Enviornmental issues notes

the pdf contains notes for enviornmental science the notes contain practice questions also for the help to analyze there level for the paper they are going to give

Biodiversity and conservation

the above notes are for those who are preparing for neet the pdf contains information about biodiversity and conservation and it also contains practice questions ..

Human Health and Disease notes

the pdf conatins notes about human body and disease .the notes are for those who are preparing for neet

Organisms and population

the pdf contains information about organisms and population. the notes are helpful for neet


the pdf contains information about biotechnology its principles and process.

Animal Kingdom Notes

the pdf contains consilated theory for the animal kingdom suitable for those who are preparing for neet and the pdf also contains practice questions .

Plant Kingdom

he pdf contains consilated theory for the Plant kingdom suitable for those who are preparing for neet and the pdf also contains practice questions .

Anatomy of flowering Plants

the pdf contains consilated theory for the Anatomy of flowering Plants suitable for those who are preparing for neet and the pdf also contains practice questions .

Human Reproduction

the pdf contains consilated theory for the topic Human Reproduction suitable for those who are preparing for neet and the pdf also contains practice questions .

Biology books for NEET

Biology books for NEET