Knowledge in operating system pdf


It contains notes for Engineering OPERATING SYSTEM


In this, we are going to learn basics of computer. Computer is a machine that performs tasks or calculations according to a set of instructions, or programs. Compared to those early machines, today's computers are amazing. Not only are they thousands of times faster, they can fit on your desk, in your lap, or even in your pocket. Computers work through an interaction of hardware and software.Hardware is physical component of a computer system. It is a tiny rectangular chip inside the computer called the central processing unit (CPU),or microprocessor. It is the "brain" of computer—the part that translate instructions and performs calculations. Hardware items such as monitor, keyboard, mouse, printer, and other items are often called hardware devices.Software refers to the instructions or programs that tell the hardware what to do.he operating system (OS) is system software that manages computer and the devices connected to it. OS is responsible for management and coordination of activities and the sharing of the limited resources of computer. The OS acts as a host for other application softwaRE.There are two well known operating systems:-(a) Windows operating system, and(b) Linux operating system.

Introduction to OS | Operating System

Introduction to OS | Operating System

Operating system

All the basics about operating systems and other computer basics for beginner to intermediate level.


This pdf contains notes based on PROGRAM MANAGEMENT (OPERATING SYSTEM )


This pdf contains notes based on OPERATING SYSTEM (NOTES OF OPERATING SYSTEM )

Operating system notes

The above document is operating system notes. It will helps you in your academics a lot.

Operating system

Operating system, batch operating system, distributed operating system (OS), WINDOWS operating system (OS), linux operating system (OS), unix operating system (OS), android operating system (OS), batch processing,