Knowledge in Organisational Behavior

Gamification for HR examples

Using Gamification for  Recruitment from the pool of job candidates,Employee learning like safety training thereby adhering to safety procedures and Collaboration to increase internal collaboration among employees and fruitful engagement among themselves.#nmims

History of intelligence

Intellegence Tests and scales for the testing of students' ability to learn quicker.These tests mainly includes questions which test the intelligence quotient of general public as well.#nmims

Erin Brockovich Movie Ethical Analysis

Ethical issues in globalized world. This discusses about the primary business ethics issues like deception,bribery,extortion,harm to the environment using the case study of Pacific gas and electric company which is thrown light upon by this movie. #nmims

Ethical decision making process

Ethical decision making process and implications.This knowledge discusses about the decisions both simple and accountable decisions and their implications and the issues means by which the ethicals issues might go unnoticed #NMIMS

National Instruments_ODC

National Instruments Limited is a public sector company with 70 years of experience in manufacturing radar units. It has 12 product lines and 3 variants per line. Due to the recent deregulation more private sector firms are expected to enter the market. The growth in the sales of the company has been stable over the past few years whereas the industry sales continue to show steady growth. It is speculated that the new competitors will bring in new products and new features. There are 4 departments; HR, Marketing, Manufacturing and Finance. All the General Managers from these departments have different perspectives of the problem. The MD wants the managers to come up with a solution to keep up with the dynamic market scenario and propose a change strategy with the help of the OD Consultant.

Leadership theories and Negotiation - Notes

Class Notes - Leadership Theories - Big 5 Theory, Fiedler contingency model, Path-Goal theory, Leader-Member exchange theory. Negotiation, Competition and Collaboration

Organisational Behavior - Intro - Notes

Organisational Behavior, Theoretical frameworks, Values, Attitudes, and Behaviors, Hofstede's framework - Class Notes

Organisational Behavior - Intro - 2 - Notes

Organisational Attitude, Organisational Citizenship behavior, Perceptions, Attribution theory, Emotional Intelligence

Organisational Behavior - Intro - 3 - Notes

Personality, Psychodynamic theories, Psychometric theories - Class Notes

Organisational Behavior - Intro - 4 - Notes

Process Theories & Decision making - class notes

Organisational Behavior - Intro - 5 - Notes

Prospects theory, Kohlberg's theory, Johari Window, Transaction analysis, Dimensions of Conflict handling intentions.

Productivity handbook chapter 2

This discusses about the productivity frameworks,their key users, measurements required in productivity statisticsand different productivity measures #productivity #NMIMS