Knowledge in Other


A rectifier is a circuit that converts alternating current (AC) to direct current (DC). ... So to convert from AC to DC you just need to make sure current can't run in the negative direction. Sounds like a job for DIODES! A half-wave rectifier can be made out of just a single diode.

Stress and strain

When a stretching force (tensile force) is applied to an object, it will extend. We can draw its force - extension graph to show how it will extend. Note: that this graph is true only for the object for which it was experimentally obtained. We cannot use it to deduce the behaviour of another object even if it is made of the same material. This is because extension of an object is not only dependent on the material but also on other factors like dimensions of the object (e.g. length, thickness etc.) It is therefore more useful to find out about the characteristic extension property of the material itself. This can be done if we draw a graph in which deformation is independent of dimensions of the object under test. This kind of graph is called stress- strain curve.


Book for you


Mechanics for You


Mechanical Assignment

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Electrical polyphase


Circuit analysis


Electrical circuit analysis


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PowerGrid Internship Report

Finance and Account- Fund Raising and Debt Servicing

Magmatic Processes

This description will assist you to know about how Magmatic processes occur in various surfaces of earth.

analysis of electrical quantities

Control System analysis and modeling