Knowledge in Presentation skills

Aptitude Paper For Exam Online Series 1

This is A presentation Based on course era knowledge in which the contents read by many students they come to know what is best or related to that this is important for us to know

Aptitude Paper For Exam Online Series 1

This is A presentation Based on course era knowledge in which the contents read by many students they come to know what is best or related to that this is important for us to know

Technical English presentation-Scope of 5G

Presentation Strategies: Techniques of Oral Presentations, Defining the Purpose, Analyzing the Audience, Establishing the main idea, Selecting the Appropriate Channel and Medium. Public speaking.

Software Development Notes By Aman

Software Design Is the most important to know about commputer technology so that the work can be done with any field

(Presentation Software & Practical applications

This pdf contains important theory and material based on ":(Presentation Software & Practical applications"

(Presentation Software & Practical applications

This pdf contains important theory and material based on ":(Presentation Software & Practical applications"

Soft Skills for Interview

Soft skills are non-technical skills that relate to how you work. They include how you interact with colleagues, how you solve problems, and how you manage your work. This article reviews what soft skills are, types and examples of soft skills, and ways to develop soft skills. Practice more and make your skills sharpen for the interviews. Soft skills relate to how you work. Soft skills include interpersonal (people) skills, communication skills, listening skills, time management, and empathy, among others.Hiring managers typically look for job candidates with soft skills because they make someone more successful in the workplace. Someone can be excellent with technical, job-specific skills, but if they can't manage their time or work within a team, they may not be successful in the workplace.It’s easy to understand why employers want job candidates with particular job skills. After all, if you are hiring a carpenter, they need skills in carpentry.Soft skills are also important to the success of most employers. After all, nearly every job requires employees to engage with others in some way. Another reason hiring managers and employers look for applicants with soft skills is that soft skills are transferable skills that can be used regardless of the person's job. This makes job candidates with soft skills very adaptable employees.


The term Peak Load Pricing means charging a high price during demand peaks, and a lower price during off-peak time periods. The PPT contains detailed slides containing information related to the topic. college students who are currently in first year of their undergraduation may find it useful.