Knowledge in Programming

Complete C programming

Here are best notes to learn about C programming. C is a general-purpose, imperative computer programming language, supporting structured programming, lexical variable scope and recursion, while a static type system prevents many unintended operations.

Basic C++

Available below are the notes for the course computer science and subject programming. The topics included in the documents are Passing Arrays to Functions, Effects of passing entire array by reference, TWO-DIMENSIONAL ARRAYS, Declaring and Defining 2D arrays, Arrays of Arrays, etc.

Let Us C by Yashavnt Kanetkar

One of the best books for learning C programming from the scratch.


Available below are the notes for the course computer science and subject programming. The documents attatched in the knowledge include topics such as Variable, Variable constant, Casting , Built in, Bitwise, Scope, Break loop, While loop, Do while loop, For loop, Continue loop, etc.


CONTENTS How to install Python Basics Operators and Expressions Control flow Functions Modules Data Structures Problem solving Object Oriented Programming Input and output Exceptions Standard library

C Programming

C Programming Problems

java Script

Given below the notes for java script langauge . the documents attached below in the knowledge it involves topic such as the java script basic , java scripts objects , java scripts advanced , etc . #KIIT

Basic Concepts of OOPS

notes given below in on computer science. contents involves are objects , classes , data abstraction and encapsulation , inhertance, polymorphism , dynamic binding , message planning , etc . #VIT chennai

operator overloading

Given below are the notes of operator overloading . contents are operator overloading , rules for overloading operator , overloading uniary operator , limitation , operator return value , name less temp obj , over loading with friends fucntion , binary operator over loading , syntax , etc . #IIT roorkee

Type converson

The presentation given below on type conversion. Contents include are coversion between object of different classes. #VIIT chennai

Java script

JavaScript : A modern introduction to programming  Introduction about different types of computer languages and specially about java can be come to know from the file. Topics like program structure, functions, data structures, bugs and error handling, different types of modules can be known. Also detail information about jawa and it's working can be easily observed and carried out.

JavaScript and JQuery

Notes are avaliable for the student studying computer science as a course and subject is programming. The topics included and discussed are writing your first java script program , the grammer of java script, adding logic and control to your programms , getting started with jquerry, making pages come alive with events, animations and effects , improving your images , enchancing web form , expanding your interface. etc. #SVNIT