Knowledge in python programming

Machine Learning

This is a question paper for Nirma University students. This paper was for 6th-semester students and you can get the references from here.

Python and Ruby Programming Language

Following document contains complete noted to understand both basic and advanced concepts of Python and Ruby programming.

Data cleaning using Python

This PDF covers the topic that how to clean the Data using Python.

Complete Python programming overview.

This PDF gives you about the complete overview of the Python programming language.

Tensor flow 2 in Python.

This PDF file containing the full guide of tensorflow 2.0 in Python.

140+ Python interview questions.

These two PDF file containing 140+ Python programming interview questions with solutions. These are the most important interview questions.

Python Programming- Introduction

In this PDF there is detailed concepts and programs related to python Programming regarding introduction .You will be able to learn how to use in daily life.

Python Programming - for loop

In this PDF there is detailed concepts and programs related to python Programming regarding for loop .You will be able to learn how to use in daily life.

Python Programming - Strings

In this PDF there is detailed concepts and programs related to python Programming regarding strings.You will be able to learn how to use in daily life.

Python Programming - functions and recursions

In this PDF there is detailed concepts and programs related to python Programming regarding functions and recursions .You will be able to learn how to use in daily life.

Python Programming - conditionals and iterations

In this PDF there is detailed concepts and programs related to python Programming regarding conditionals and iterations .You will be able to learn how to use in daily life.

Python Programming - Building GUI using python

In this PDF there is detailed concepts and programs related to python Programming regarding building GUI using python .You will be able to learn how to use in daily life.