Knowledge in Semi conductor physics

Semiconductor physics-introduction

This was the notes written by me in the topic semi conductor physics.And this topic was explained to us by expert faculty.All the information about semi conductor physics like it's conductivity,pn junction,ohmic and schottky diodes etc. are present in this.

semiconductors, intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors, carrier concentration, the concentration of holes, formation of p-n junction diode, I-V characteristics, forward bias, and negative bias.(Bachelor of engineering)

semiconductors, intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors, carrier concentration, the concentration of holes, formation of p-n junction diode, I-V characteristics, forward bias, and negative bias and more....

Crystal imperfections,point defect,line defect,surface defect,volume defect,schottky defect,frenkel defect,burgurs vector and more(Bachelor of engineering).

Crystal imperfections,point defect,line defect,surface defect,volume defect,schottky defect,frenkel defect,burgurs vector and more


These notes will be beneficial for all the students who have semiconductor as a topic and wanting to get insights of the topic.

Neamen's Book of Semiconductor

This is a perfect book to understand the core concepts of the topic of semiconductors.


This pdf contains important notes based on CENTRAL FORCE PHYSICS

conductivity measurement

Electrical conductivity is the ability of a material to build an electric current in the presence of an electric field. Metals are good conductors and therefore exhibit a large conductivity. Insulators are bad conductors having a very small, close-to-zero conductivity. In liquids, particularly aqueous solutions, the conductivity is greatly affected by the amount of dissolved charged atoms or molecules (ions). Conductivity measurements are widely used in industrial and environmental applications as a simple and inexpensive way to control the ionic content in a solution. In water purification systems, the conductivity is monitored at different stages of the process. Since the mobility of the dissolved ions is affected by temperature, these monitoring systems are required to either control the process temperature or to compensate readings according to the sample temperature.