Knowledge in Sensors

nRF24L01 and IR SENSOR

In these document we are going to learn about two sensor

nRF24L01 and IR SENSOR

In these document we are going to learn about two sensor

Sensors and Transducers

This assignment is for the students of engineering on the subject Sensors and Transducers. It covers questions on sensors, transducers, their types, their functions etc. The questions are theory based

Transducers and its types

This file contains detailed description of what a transducer is. It has details about the types of transducers used and how they work

Aperiodic Signal Representation

This file contains detailed description of Aperiodic signal representation using fourier integral. It is an important topic for signal and transducers. All the graphs are drawn for proper understanding.

Electrical Networks

This file has all the necessary details of the Electrical Networks. The resistive, capacitive, and inductive networks are discussed which gives a good understanding to the user.