Knowledge in Social science

Gender ,Religion and Caste

CBSE Class 10 Detailed notes of civics chapter gender religion and caste. Useful for board examination and thorough revision

Power Sharing

CBSE Class 10 Detailed notes of civics chapter Power Sharing (NCERT) Useful for board examination and thorough revision


CBSE Class 10 Detailed notes of civics chapter Federalism Useful for board examination and thorough revision


CBSE Class 10 Detailed notes of economics chapter development useful for board examination and thorough revision

Money and credit

CBSE Class 10 Detailed notes of economics chapter Money and credit useful for board examination and thorough revision

Minerals and energy resources

CBSE Class 10 Detailed notes of geography chapter Minerals and energy resources useful for board examination and thorough revision

The making of global world

CBSE Class 10 Detailed notes of history chapter The making of global world useful for board examination and thorough revision


Social science notes on the topic federlism.

Social science sample paper class 10th

This clip contains a sample paper of class 10th social science which will help you revise the concepts and gain practice for board exams.

social science notes- class 9th

these pdfs contain notes from subject social science. There are three different notes


The Russian Socialist Democratic Labour Party was formed in 1898. It struggled to give peasants their rights over land that belonged to nobles. As land was divided among peasants periodically which makes them natural socialist and it was felt that peasants and not workers would be the main source of the revolution.

Nazism and the rise of Hitler

Nazism is a form of fascism, with disdain for liberal democracy and the parliamentary system. It incorporates a dictatorship, fervent antisemitism, anti-communism, scientific racism, white supremacy, social Darwinism and the use of eugenics into its creed.