Knowledge in Syllabus of BCOM hons (CBCS )

product and price

the product pdf explains the basics of product the packaging, the labeling decision the psychology while designing a product, definition of a product, and the consumer reaction and finding the correct target market. the price pdf explains the definition and the pricing setup psychology and the various steps involved in it.

promotion place and brand

the terms which are important while branding a product like brand name, a label which are important while advertising and falls into main concept of marketing. a place which includes the transfer of products and how the promotion is being done to attract the target market.

the 4 p's in marketing

the 4 p's of marketing which is price, place, product, and promotion is explained and further what all things fall under which of the 4 p's and the reason why it falls into it.

pricing and place

further concept of price and place. the price includes types of pricing used while marketing the product and also including rather giving the idea about how can pricing model and place be used to attract the target market.

frozoned ( assignment)

it was one of my projects in the marketing subject where I had to use all the concepts taught in the class. i had to make my own company and include marketing concepts so I created a company with the pricing model and distribution model.

doctorine of caveat emptor

Detailed notes on doctorine of caveat emptor

Kinds of essays

different kinds of essays are explained briefly in these notes.

Sample paper of english

AECC notes and sample papers

Corporate governance | SCAM

This notes is all about the WORLDCOM SCAM in corporate governance - bcom hons 3rd year.

Income tax assignment - Bcom hons, DU

This notes is about the e-filling - income tax act of DU, year 2 of bcom hons

Directors and their appointment, company law

This notes is about how directors are appointed in COMPANY LAW 2013 ACT, bcom hons and bcom prog of du

Buy back of securities, Company law

This notes is about buy back of securities and requirement for the buy back under company law 2013 of bcom hons and bcom program