Knowledge in The Statistical Programming Language

Beginning R: The Statistical Programming Language

Beginning R offers anyone who needs to perform statistical analysis the information necessary to use R with confidence. Here is the most preferred book of the statistical programming language covering the syllabus of all semester of Generic elective statistics of delhi university. If you are going to pursue B.Sc honors at delhi university then in 1st,2nd, 3rd and 4th semester you need to choose one subject of your choice as generic elective. If you choose statistics as your generic elective subject then this book is going to help you a lot.

Complex variables and statistical methods.

Complex Variables & Statistical Methods (CVSM) Materials & Notes. CVSM Unit Wise Lecture Notes and Study Materials in pdf format for Engineering Students. So all students seeking Complex Variables & Statistical Methods Book for all engineering colleges.

R programming

This creation contains files related to R programming. It involves assignments, notes, classwork etc.

Detailed syllabus of Database and Statistical packages plus E - resources

This clip contains zip file which includes detailed syllabus of Database and Statistical Packages plus E - resources for the important topics.

Notes of Statistical Packages in SPSS

This clip contains notes of Statistical Packages in SPSS. SPSS Statistics is a software package used for interactive, or batched, statistical analysis.