Knowledge in Thermodynamics & Statistical mechanics


This pdf contains important theory and study material based on SIGN TEST FOR ONE SAMPLE (STATISTIC)


This pdf contains full complete notes based on THERMODYNAMICS BASIC MECHANICAL ENGINEERING

THERMODYNAMCIS previous question paper

The above document is THERMODYNAMCIS previous question paper. It will helps you in your academics a lot.

Psychometric properties

This documents covers all the important psychometric properties like dry bulb temperature,wet bulb temperature,relative humidity,enthalpy etc. It has all the important formulas along with the derivations.

Questions to practice .(B.Tech Mechanics 1st year)

It containe the questions related to basic mechanics you will learn in B.Tech First year.


Thermodynamics is a branch of physics that deals with heat, work, and temperature, and their relation to energy, radiation, and properties of matter. The behavior of these quantities is governed by the four laws of thermodynamics which convey a quantitative description using measurable macroscopic physical quantities, but may be explained in terms of microscopic constituents by statistical mechanics. Thermodynamics applies to a wide variety of topics in science and engineering, especially physical chemistry, chemical engineering and mechanical engineering, but also in other complex fields such as meteorology.

Engineering mechanics exam papers

Engineering mechanics is the application of mechanics to solve problems involving common engineering elements. These are First year all branches questions papers.

Coefficient of static friction

The coefficient of static friction is the ratio of the maximum static friction force (F) between the surfaces in contact before movement commences to the normal (N) force. It is experiment to calculate Coefficient of static friction.

Simulation for dynamic routing

This is a practical based on configuration and simulation of dynamic routing using EIGRP protocol using Cisco packet tracer or GNS3. All the diagrams are included along with the logic to be used.


Class _12th CBSE Detailed notes of physics chapter thermodynamics, Carnot cycle, efficiency, examples, cases, exceptions etc. Useful for board examination , revision and other competitive exams.

Laws of thermodynamics

These are compact and brief notes of topic laws of thermodynamics

sigma delta modulation

in this pdf you can download the notes of sigma delta modulation