Knowledge in Top languages in 2019

What are the best programming languages to learn in 2019?

Here Are The Ten Best Programming Languages to learn in 20191. Python. Python has been a growing programming language and it shows no signs of disappearing. ...2.JavaScript. JavaScript is the most popular language according to Stack OverFlow. 3.Rust. ...If you haven’t heard Rust before, it’s a new system-level programming language that is changing the way we think about programming. Rust came in first place in the 2018 Stack OverFlow Developer survey for developer most loved and wanted language.4.Go. ..It is a minimal language like Python. Since it is developed by Google, who are also Python lovers, they came up a language which is simple to write like Python but more efficient like C++. Go provides better features to write concurrent programs.5.Swift. ...If you want to get into IOS mobile development, you should definitely consider Swift as a high-paid career path. 6.Kotlin. ...It is the second most loved and wanted a programming language in 2018 Stack OverFlow survey.7.C++ ...It is a highly efficient and flexible language, first created back in 1985. It has remained in high demand due to high performance, reliability, and variety of contexts you can use it in.8.TypeScript.:-Itis a programming language designed for large-scale JavaScript application development. 9.JAVA:- It is arguably the most popular programming language you’ve ever heard.10. F# :- It is originally developed by F# Software Foundation. There was a time nothing much happening in Web regarding of F# but according to the latest survey, F# ranks in highest salary comparative to other programming languages.