Knowledge in UNit1

Blockchain Intution

Introduction to blockchain intution

unit 1 ML

Unit 1 complete notes on machine learning

errors in numerical calculations

errors in numerical calculation , unit 1 chemical engineering of 3rd year

Numericals unit 1 bce

unit 1 important question for numericals

pdc unit 1

unit 1 chapter 1 of pdc 3rd year chemical engineering

process equipment design unit1

chemical engineering 3rd year , process equipment design , complete unit 1

air & noise pollution

Noise pollution can cause hypertension, high stress levels, tinnitus, hearing loss, sleep disturbances, and other harmful effects. Sound becomes unwanted when it either interferes with normal activities such as sleeping, conversation, or disrupts or diminishes one's quality of life.

COA unit 1 Btech(cse) 4th semester

These are the notes of the subject: Computer Organisation and Architecture (COA) of B-Tech (Computer Science) 4th semester. These are easy to understand notes and contains full unit-1. These are handwritten notes with full clarity. and are well made, explaining all the concepts.

CS Unit-1 B-Tech (Computer Science) 4th semester

These are the notes of the subject: Communication System(Cs) in B-tech (Computer science) 4th Semester. These are the handwritten notes of unit-1. These are easy to understand and include all the topics covered by unit-1. They are prepared very carefully and are very clear, and will help you to achieve good marks in the exams.

TOC Unit-1 B-Tech(CSE) 4th semester

These are the notes of the subject: Theory of Computation(TOC) in B-tech (Computer science) 4th Semester. These are the handwritten notes of unit-1. These are easy to understand and include all the topics covered by unit-1. They are prepared very carefully and are very clear, and will help you to achieve good marks in the exams.

COA unit-1&2 Notes Btech(CSE) 4th semester IP University

These are the notes of the subject: Computer Organization and Architecture(COA) in B-Tech (Computer science) 4th Semester. These are the handwritten notes of unit-1 & unit-2. These are easy to understand and include all the topics covered by unit-1 & unit-2. They are prepared very carefully and are very clear, and will help you to achieve good marks in the exams.

alloys complete unit 1,2, 3

all about alloys complete knowledge for b arch students