Knowledge in webdevelopment

Java Script classes used in HTML code

It consists of some slides that teach you about bootstrap styling for your website along with some special classes. What all you get to learn from this is Various types of Java Script classes for bootstrap, How to use them in your code, An intro before going towards Bootstrap Web Deployment. Carousel, Accordion, Tooltips, Java Script classes, user Input,etc. If you need any other help than this , you can comment or share your thoughts.

Website Deployment using Grunt and Gulp

It consists of some slides that teach you about bootstrap styling for your website along with some special classes. What all you get to learn from this is Various types of CSS preprocessors, How to use them in your code, An intro before going towards making a local server. It consists of gulp, Grunt, SASS, LESS, the difference in their syntax and how we use them to minify images. Using Usemin, imagemin. filerev, etc. If you need any other help than this , you can comment or share your thoughts.

Frontend Road Map for web developers esp. frontend web design

This image contains the roadmap which must be followed by the every frontend developer in order to excel in web designing.

Backend developer for web developers

This image contains the roadmap which must be followed by the every backend developer in order to excel in web designing.

Web technology

Web development, website design, world wide web, web technology, internet protocol, ipv4, ipv5, tcp, ip, hyper text markup language, html, cascading style sheets, css, html tags, html attributes, html page, website, webpage, Gate, Web development, website design, world wide web, web technology, internet protocol, ipv4, ipv5, tcp, ip, hyper text markup language, html, cascading style sheets, css, html tags, html attributes, html page, website, webpage, Gate, all about css in one pdf, all about html in one pdf

Website Template _3

Web Development-3 template

Technical Site

technical site report

Web Development Syllabus

This is a full stack web development syllabus


C PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE TUTORIALS :(17 Attachments) EXCEPTION HANDLING :(1 Attachment) The Preprocessor Explained In Detail :(1 Attachment) Everything About Data Types And Variables In C C++ :(1 Attachment) BEST CODING PRACTICES :(2 Attachments) What Is The Best Coding Practice? :(1 Attachment) Exception And Event Handling :(1 Attachment) C programming language tutorials for beginners. Also attached is "let us c'' by yashwant kanetkar, Want to learn C efficiently. Go through these ppts, you'll get what you seek.