Knowledges in Chemistry

Choose your interests from a vast range of topics


Available below are the notes for the course chemistry and subject Polymer Chemistry . The documents attatched in the knowledge include topics such as Need to study rheology, Some basics- Fluid, Newton (Stokes) Law, Newtonian Fluid, Fluid Mechanics, Hooke’s Law, Complex Fluids, etc.


Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR, ESR) Spectroscopy

atom molecule and ions

what atom, molecule, and ions are is explained here.

myocardial ischemia

myocardial ischemia


Answer sheet 2014


Answer key 2012

PLastic Molding

Sharing notes relating to the course chemistry and subject Polymer Chemistry. The documents attatched below in the knowledge include topics such as Classification of plastics type polymers, Processing (or) moulding (or) compounding of plastics, Different types of Moulding technique, etc.


Given notes for the course chemistry and subject electro chemistry. The topics included in the document are Phenomenon Of Corona and Theory Of Corona Formation. #KIIT University

Polymer final exam

The knowledge below is available for the students of chemistry, studying polymer chemistry as a subject. Majorly the content in the attatchment involves PVC Preparation, Properties, Uses, PTFE (Teflon), Condensation Polymers, etc.

Organic Chemistry

Research Paper on Organic Chemistry.

Chemical Process

Chemical Process

Steam Reforming

Steam Reforming