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"The Sound And The Fury" by William Faulkner

Our lives are but a series of thoughts, thoughts that shift from past to present quite easily, and William Faulkner captures this phenomenon in his novel “The Sound And The Fury” in a remarkable fashion. About the author: William Faulkner was an American writer/poet, who started his career right after the first world war, his first novel being the “Sound And The Fury”. He was awarded the noble prize for literature in 1949 and the Pulitzer prize just before his death in July 1962.  the novel: the novel is split into four parts, And it deals with the happenings within the Compson household. The first part of the book is in the perspective of Ben Compson, a mentally retarded man. The second , by Quentin Compson a 20-year-old who narrates the last day of his life as he plans to commit suicide. The third in Jason Compson who is almost a salvation to the reader's mind, for the other two are far too confusing. And finally the last part is given to us through the eyes of the negro workers at the house. The narrative style of the novel makes reading a complex process, for we see that the characters keep shifting from the past to the present that it becomes difficult to understand it in the beginning. Why read it?: when I read the novel I found the first half of the novel confusing yet intriguing, I had to let go of my reasoning ability to understand the mind of Ben and Quenitin. Where as Jason's perspective, although 'normal' becomes as complex as the other two. I felt like I had found a treasure chest and with the turn of each page I discovered new things and by the end of the fourth part,it felt like a fog had lifted up from my mind and everything about the novel had come clear to me. I would suggest to read this novel by enjoying it for every word and not try to connect the events and make sense of it all.

Ethics-Overview in case-Sony Online Enterprises

Critic analysis of ethical problems occurred with Ever Quest - 2 for Sony Online Enterprises

Ethical Dilemmas

HR basics

Blakean Symbolism in Songs of Innocence and Experi

Published in 1795, the Songs of Innocence and of Experience present the two states of human soul, much like the two consciousnesses as described by Milton – Pre Fall and After the Fall. However, Blake divides the human consciousness into four different states under the influence of John Bunyan’s “Pilgrim’s Progress” of which he addresses the state of “Beulah or Organised Innocence and Generation or Experience” specifically (Harold Bloom). In doing so, Blake employs the imagery of these respective realms to show the immediate and irretraceable degradation of the society in England post Industrial Revolution. But the Songs constitute symbols that uncover a drastically unique ideology of Blake himself. In the binary opposites of the Songs of Innocence and Experience, Blake suggests a political thought and mystic idea which follows the heritage of Emanuel Swedenborg and Jakob Bohme, where it is through the juxtaposition of one and the other that spiritual emancipation can be achieved.  The Songs of Innocence as Harold Bloom has opined, is the realm of a dreamy state nearing oblivion. Yet it is clearly divorced of ignorance than wisdom, while its contrary – The realm of Experience is devoid of wisdom and inhabited by ignorance of the self. There is double irony in play between Innocence and Experience as states of being, in moving from Innocence to Experience the progression is both organic and creative while the fall back occurs at naturalistic and imaginative level. It is therefore that the symbols of each of the realms as well as their associations with each other points at the duplicity of their contraries.  The Songs of Innocence start with a note from the “piper” who elaborates on his encounter with the muse that inspired him to create the Songs. It relates the lyrics to the pastoral convention and the engraving of the lyric shows the green and endearing face of nature. In such a place where nature blooms at its best, the encounter presents the Piper as a man who is “guiltless” or unbent by the burden of the original sin and hence innocent.  To its contrast, The Introduction to the Songs of Experience is narrated through the mouthpiece of a Bard, who is a man of the society and sees all “Past, Present and future”. Unlike the endearing lap of nature where the piper writes the songs, the Bard struggles to form a bond with his natural mother as he exclaims: ‘‘Turn away no more/Why wilt thou turn away?”. Thus the Bard is abandoned by the nursing hand of Nature.  Blake’s Beulah then abides by the myth of Isaiah and Bunyan where man and Nature are “married” and hence united by man’s innocence. However in the realm of generation the focal perceptivity of the same man is “reduced” by his encounters with civilisation and its institutions which is why he lingers in the “forest of the night”. And therefore, the Man of Experience is not overborne with the Christian guilt but his own ambitious endeavours which have lead to his perversion. The symbol of the “Tiger” placed in the “forest of the night” against that of the young boy and lamb inherit a contrast which is born out of Blake’s distrust in the religious institutions and his apprehensions of Man without his imaginative power. As Harold Bloom notes – “The Man of Innocence is a Natural Man, prone to all brutalities of Experience while the Man of Experience is a Creative creature that gives birth to a nature beyond brutalities”. To the idea thus conceived, the symbol of the Lamb and the Tiger becomes most appropriate to the function. The Lamb and the boy associate with their “Father” by sharing the same name “He is called by thy name/For He calls Himself a Lamb/He is meek, and He is mild/He became a little child. I a child, and thou a lamb/We are called by His name”. And thus, for the ‘Innocent’ Man his equality with nature allows him to gain closure to his Maker. However, the creative and frantic Bard of Experience which locates the origination of the “Tiger” in the industrious works of Man continuously draws his apprehensions against the Maker as the “immortal hand or eye” which “dare” frame its fearful symmetry. It is such apprehensions of the Bard that locate him in the “night” for he doesn’t realise his ignorance fails to see the tiger as only a poor creature of the design (which Blake has tried to emulate in the engraving by showing the tiger as a lost and meek figure with an expression of fear). As many critics note, the leading images of Beulah are the moon, love, water, sleep, night, dew, relaxed drowsiness and eternal spring. However, the leading images of Experience or Generation become the moonless night, autumn season, anxiety, fear and bitter rhetoric. In the context of the realms that Blake defines, Innocence is continuously associated with fertile images which are threatened with “darkened greens” like in Echoing Greens or the “black coffins” of The chimney Sweeper (Songs of Innocence). However, the metaphors of Experience, symbolise a diminutive vision of human life in a world which is contracting and stagnant thus it unconsciously builds “a hell in heaven’s despite.’’ (The Clod and The Pebble, Songs of Experience) In the light of the above, Frye’s observation of the dominant themes in the two books of the Songs becomes utterly seminal. As he observes the dominant theme of love evoked by the objective correlatives of the “little tender moon”, “eternal spring” etc gives an account of transformations which occur in the Natural Man such that the object of poetry becomes the beloved.  However, in the Book of Experience, the destructive force of Art which transforms the created according to the whims of its creator, dominates through the symbols of infertile imagery. The same characteristic movement which Frye points out in Shelley’s poetry as wavering between these rival modes – “between the epipsyche or emanative beloved and the deliberating dying metaphor, whose vanishing liberates the object from its fallen status”  Then it can be conclusively said that the symbolism used in The Songs of Innocence and of Experience generates a larger conflict between blind naturalism denoted by the emotion of love and devastating power of creative energy. In such a larger picture, Blake incorporates the images and symbols from Industrial London to comment on the various structures that lead to the spiritual depreciation of the state of Man. 

Iliad: History or Literature

Amidst the themes observable in Book IX-XII comes the question of the historical relevance of the Iliad. Yet while it is wrong to say that Iliad is completely a book drawn out of fiction, it is even more wrong to call it solely a literary production. As is argued and believed by some modern writers, while Greek myths are largely futile and negligible, the Homeric narratives are largely historical and correct. This view is purely based on the fact that the Iliad represents the central thread of Greek tradition and it’s not violently contradicted by itself or by known facts outside it. We know that from 6th Century onwards Homer formed the staple of Greek education. Everyone knew Homer and all parts of Greece accepted him. Thus it can be easily derived that had the Homeric narratives not been true it would not have been able to survive the tides of time. Moreover, the Homeric narratives are so reasonable and possible that Homeric characters make an impression of reality. The style of the Iliad is verisimilitude meaning “having the appearance of truth” is supported by the argument that a Homeric poet would not choose a story as the Iliad of all the stories present around him had it not been incredibly truthful. All these arguments try to prove the Iliad as a historical text. Regarding validation of historical facts, we have a archaeologist named HEINRICH SCHLEIMANN , who was an advocate of the historical reality of places mentioned in Iliad. He excavated “Hissarik” which is believed to be the site of actual Troy. He excavated nine of those sites, including Mycenae.  But where the Iliad fails to make an impression is the matter of topographical details. There is very less detail of the Plain of Troy that is provided by Homer. Topographical details are as much the same with rivers, mountains, plains and else that goes to make up the Homeric world strangely standardized. Even the rivers of Troy Scamander and Simois are described in vivid details but none of the details associate with its topographical location. To understand then the actual reason as to why the Iliad is prominently a literary document we can look in the Theory of the Nucleus and Nebula. Imagine an epic or a traditional book to be thematically similar to two concentric circles with different radii. So while the inner most circle would signify the Nucleus the outer circle the Nebula. Considering the Nucleus comprises of all the historical facts put in the Iliad the Nebula comprises of all the myths, literary techniques (characterization, speeches etc) etc one can thematically understand the makeup of a traditional book. But in the case of one can find that the sharp difference between the Nucleus and Nebula has been compromised such that the boundaries of both have merged with each other. It is in these “depressions” that one can find fact mixing with fiction. These “depressions” have been the prominent reason of the constant confusion of the Iliad being a historical document than a literary treasure. But one must not fail to realise that once fiction steps in the historicity of the work is highly questionable as then the original Nucleus hardly functions.  In most traditional books there are fairly three components:  •    FICTION With respect of the Iliad, the whole frame work of the Iliad in which the incidences are fitted represents the fictional part of the epic. The Book Nine, Embassy To Achilles is the staunchest example of the same. •    MYTHS AND SAGAS The role of Gods in the battle and its decisions is the example of this element. •    DEFINITE HISTORY The very excavations that have lead to Troy and Mycenae have revealed findings about the Greek Civilisation are the proofs that the Iliad is historically real. So now dwelling on the belief of Aristotle about fiction- “If it does not tell you what did take place on a given occasion, it shows what might take place then”. And therefore even though the main subject of fiction is marvellous the background setting has to true and drawn from reality.  “History is the study of dead language whereas literature is alive and young in its language” as noted by Mikhail Bakhtin in his essay called “Epic and Novel” stands very true as far as language of Iliad is considered filled with all imageries. A major point for Iliad not being solely a historical document is the fact that in history, every event, every phenomenon is expressed in completeness which demeans artistic representation. Also, the ‘media res’ starting of Iliad signifies the incompleteness from historical point of view. But epic (literary) completeness does not suffers even the slightest. The specific ‘impulse to end’ – How does the war end? Who wins? What will happen to Achilles?-so forth is absolutely excluded from the epic by both internal and external motifs. This specific “impulse to end” and “impulse to continue”, are only possible in history and Iliad is pretty much warded off these impulses rather, we can say there is a seal of inconclusiveness in it, characteristic to epical narrative  . Thus, we have enough of evidences, both in favor of Iliad being historical as well as literary document as well and we cannot straightway classify it in a specific head exclusively. Hence, I would like to conclude by saying that basically, what Homer does in Iliad is it squeezes out some historical facts and incorporates other into its own peculiar structure ,plot, characters, reformulating and re-accentuating them.

Gaming Development and ethics

A brief Discussion about the the response expected from senior management in determining the decsions to be taken regarding situations ethical dilemma. Here in this context is gaming harmful or not.


it is an analysis of an village in jabua from sociological perceptive .

Surrogacy - Ethics Involved

A brief report on surrogacy practices and ethics involved


Ethics involved for various stakeholders in taxi aggregator industry - India

human values


BCCL HR Assignment

BCCL HR Assignment


PUBLIC OPINION "Government of the people,by the people and for the people" a famous phrase  by Ambedkar ji which is very common and not unheard of in our democratic country. The  country where honest and courageous people are subjected to various kinds of atrocities. They are being put in the trouble by the people leading in power and whose only motive is to earn money by hook or by crook thus misleading the nation .Right to speech is the fundamental right given to us by constitution which somewhere seems to be of no use in the existing conditions.The irony of this country is that the patriotic people praise the constitution of the country but refuse to guarantee the rights and laws stated in the same. Public opinion is a kind of collective expression particularly given on a certain political or social issue.Public opinion is necessary and each has the right living in a democratic country but then it do has it negative aspects considering some of the cases.Public opinion which seems to govern the society is somewhere these days just run by selfish, Conservative, money hungry people spreading disbeliefs and misguiding the people just so they could enjoy  the powers and luxury. A country where logical analysation is regarded as an insult to the ruling party.Therefore in such an existing condition raising a question is still a far cry .Does our country really need such type of categorisation? ??Are we still free of the old shackles that bind us?India which is advertised as a huge country still has an approval for such type of criticism? Looking around we still see people blindly following unscrupulous saints believing in miracles rather than hardwork. Where media is more interested in celeb news instead of creating awareness and highlighting the oppression s faced by the people.Where the headlines of prime time being the miracle of saint, people believing in almost every news they see and spreading the same. Is this how we are aiming to form public opinion? ?                                      Public opinion is needed if we talk about equality and when respected on being right helps to maintain healthy relationship among the people of the nation .Everyone has the right to share his own thoughts to make a country worth living and a better place to survive. Public opinion is all respected if it collectively urges to follow right path altogether contributing in the development of nation. Public opibion really matters because this is the only way in which people enable themselves to express their thoughts.But the question arises is; Do we need to develop our own opinion in the right way by discussing  or just blindly follow whatever media offers to us?Should we develop each others opinions or disregard them ?Should we be stuck up in the old antipathetic ideas and kill people for criticising orthodox ideas and prevalent evil customs? Does it make any sense or adds value when a person is punished just for expressing what he or she opines? Should we try to bring reforms? Well the choice seems to be very tough but every new beginning is difficult. Every new beginning brings with itself various outcomes and fears.Because we only run the society,should effort for a change.IT IS A HIGH TIME NOW TO THINK THAT WHAT REALLY _MATTERS_...................!