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presentation from business communication class. talks about cultural diversity on campus

Making First Grade Math Fun With Online Games

Making First Grade Math Fun With Online Games Kids who have completed kindergarten should enter first grade with a solid grasp of basic numerical concepts including counting, number recognition and identifying the difference between number values. First grade math builds on these concepts with the introduction of addition and subtraction as well as more advanced number relationships within base 10. Through integration of technology such as online math games, teachers can present these new ideas in a way that makes math fun and engaging for children of all skill levels. Technology and Education Incorporating technology into education isn't a new idea. Computers have been fixtures of schools and individual classrooms for many years, with students using them for everything from learning to type to doing research for reports. Young children are at a prime age for picking up on the skills necessary to properly utilize technology as part of their daily lives and can often adapt quickly to a virtual environment. This makes it both easy and practical for teachers to use first grade math games in the classroom. When kids engage in an online learning environment, they build skills in computer use as well as in the subject being presented, thereby gaining knowledge that they can use in both the classroom and out in the real world. Individualized Learning Environments One concept that keeps popping up in modern educational models is the idea of individualized instruction for students who are struggling. Advanced students also benefit from a learning environment where material is presented on their level rather than at a set pace. With a classroom full of students all approaching first grade math with slightly different skill levels and learning styles, it can be difficult for teachers to get all of the essential information across in a way that makes sense to every child. The adaptive nature of online programs and games makes them very useful when it comes to giving students an individual learning experience. Kids can play through games on their own time, progressing to the next level only when they've mastered the current one, ensuring a better understanding of each new concept. Building Skills Through Interactive Play It's said that kids don't get enough time to be kids any more, and with the growing demands on students of all ages, this is often the case. More and more frequently, playtime is edged out by homework and other school-related obligations. But kids need time to play and interact in settings outside of the classroom. First grade math games take this need for play into account while still providing the solid foundation necessary for kids to understand basic math concepts and build proficiency in core skills. The concepts learned in first grade math are essential to developing a full understanding of mathematics as a whole. Combining online math games and other tools within a virtual learning environment helps kids to visualize new ideas as they engage with entertaining characters and settings. With these tools at their disposal, it's possible for teachers to keep math material fresh and interactive throughout the year, making it easier to present potentially difficult concepts to all students within a traditional classroom setting.

Choosing a Human Resources Masters Degree

Choosing a Human Resources Masters Degree Of all the academic disciplines, human resources is one of the newest. Yet for all its relative youth, it has already become established as a popular degree course that has real world value for thousands of students. It should therefore come as little surprise that the demand for an advanced level of study has been so strong. To this end, the human resources masters degree has become a much sought after qualification. Seen by many as the best possible starting point for a career in the industry, the masters degree can offer its students cutting edge study, along with the level of advanced study that will give them the edge in their field of business. Of course, as with all such courses, there can be a problem that affects a large proportion of prospective students. Many people are working or have childcare arrangements (or indeed both) and simply do not have the time to study full or even part time. Whereas once this would have been the end of any dream to study and enhance one's career prospects, there is now a solution that opens up the world of study to thousands of people. Taking a human resources masters degree online allows prospective students to study in a course that they can fit in with their own personal circumstances and fit around their daily lives. To this end, it therefore makes sense that any such student should invest some time in making sure they choose the best establishment at which to study. Just as not all full time courses in the same subject are of the same quality, so too is the situation with online courses. For this reason, the potential student of such a course should look for a university that can provide a number of key things that will make it stand out as one of the better establishments. Perhaps the most important of these is that the university is highly ranked in independent assessments of the quality of its teaching and courses. This is easy to discover as any university that has been highly ranked will publicize the fact on their website, so it may well pay to avoid any where no mention of their standing can be seen. The next thing to look for is the details of the course itself. Look for a commitment to equal the level of study offered by a conventional campus. The best universities will know that an online degree is the equal of a campus based one, so look for information that stresses this fact. One of the best ways to ensure this is the case is to take a look at the members of faculty. Expect to see experts in their fields; however, on its own this is not enough. There is little point in having first class staff if the students cannot gain access to their knowledge. To this end, look for a pledge that these members of staff will be available for mentoring and coaching. After all, this can make all the difference in any program of study. Once the quality of the staff has been ascertained, it will pay to have a close look at what can be expected from the course. Students should expect one of the better universities to offer a course that covers everything from managing collective bargaining negotiations to devising and implementing strategic game plans. Following these points will mean that the choice for an online human resources masters degree is made easier as the best universities will be selected. From this point on the student will stand the best possible chance of choosing the course that will help set them on the road to a successful career. Article Source:Mohit Gedar

Life after death

Can the Dead Think? Can a dead brain think and react to external stimuli? Until now, this possibility had been the realm of science fiction and horror movies. However, a recent peer-reviewed study has shown that brains which had been preserved in formaldehyde and alcohol for as long as twenty years after they had been removed from their body, still reacted to external stimuli in much the same way a living brain would. What’s more, these pickled brains showed cerebral activity nearly identical to that of living brains in the area of the brain most associated with personality, a sense of self, and core memories, which suggests the perseverance of some residue of the person deep inside a disembodied brain. Science vs. Popular Culture The idea that a severed brain floating in a specimen jar could still think and act has been a mainstay of Futurama, which features President Nixon and other celebrities leading a sort of afterlife in large mobile glass jars. It has also been the foundation of the current zombie craze in movies, television, and books, all of which are based on the idea that the unusually hungry undead are animated by a brain which has someone maintained at least a little activity following the demise of its owner. In the entertainment universe, there is no consensus on how a dead brain could still make its corpse body lumber about in search of human prey. Some movies such as Romero’s Night of the Living Dead, left the question completely unanswered, though the fact that those who had been bitten by a zombie came back to life as flesh-eating zombies suggested some sort of infectious agent. In the Walking Dead, the zombies are said to be animated as a result of some sort of infection, but the process or nature of the pathogen is never clearly explained. The Zombie Survival Guide, by Max Brooks, was the first book to take a “serious” look at how zombie brains might continue to operate, despite the death of the body. According to ZSG, zombie brains had been infected by a virus which preserved the brain and slowed decay, and as a result made away with the need for food, for oxygen, and all of the other things that living brains need. The theory put forth in ZSG seems preposterous and not possible in real life. After all, the brain – like all of our other organs – needs oxygen and nutrients to survive or it begins to break down and decompose. But what if decomposition could be stopped or slowed down, such as when a brain is placed in a preserving solution? The Research Until now, the prevailing wisdom is that even though the visible structures of the dead brain might be preserved by immersing it in alcohol or formaldehyde, the underlying environment was so different from the conditions of life that no brain function could be possible. Except that no one had bothered to test that assumption, at least until now. Starting from the observation that the structure of organs dictates their functions, a team of neurosurgeons set out to ask: if the structure of the brain remains intact, will its function survive? The researchers took a number of brains and parts of brains which had been preserved in embalming fluid, for as long as twenty years, and subjected them to a number of stimuli ranging from electromagnetic, chemical and light. They then measured the brain’s reaction using essentially the same equipment that would be used to measure brain activity in a living brain. The Results The results were both shocking and disturbing. All of the dead brains that were tested, showed reactions nearly identical to the types of reactions that occurred in living brains when the living brains were exposed to the same kind of stimuli. Despite the fact that the dead brains had been without nutrients, without oxygen, and in some cases had been dissected, they continued to function at least on a basic level. What’s more, the activity elicited by these stimuli took place in areas of the brain that were associated with memory, with selfhood, and with personality. The results led the researchers to make to understated but striking conclusions: The precise point beyond which the brain is no longer “living,” a threshold which remains unidentified, is perhaps less definite than has been historically assumed. [T]he post-mortem brain which displays subtle cortical oscillations, particularly within the theta and gamma bands as demonstrated here, could express some capacity for cognitive activation. (Cognitive = thinking.) What Does This All Mean? The study’s results are too new to fully map out all of the implications, but they hint at the survival of some sort of consciousness after death, at least until the brain decays to the point where its structures are no longer intact. Usually, the brain begins to irreversibly decay the moment that a person dies, but in cases where the brain has been preserved, as in the case of specimens in a jar or perhaps even in cryogenic sleep, it is possible that the brain – and perhaps its consciousness – persists. This is both fascinating and horrifying. Have we condemned thousands of brain specimens floating in jars in university labs throughout the world to a kind of half death? Could they be self-aware? Do they dream? Are they trapped forever in between life and death? Could this lead to a way to cheat death, like on Futurama, or does it mean that zombies are possible after all? If some consciousness survives, what does this mean for Einstein’s Brain whose beautiful brain has been preserved for decades in a glass jar? Has he been whiling away the years working on a universal theory of relativity all this time? What would a brain completely devoid of sensory input do? Experiences with people put in isolation chambers suggest that they would start to hallucinate and dream. Perhaps you the reader are floating in a jar, and this article is your own invention, your brain’s way of telling you that all of what you see is just an illusion. Imagine if we could learn to contact and communicate with the brains of the dead? Perhaps they could unlock secrets for us, even solve their murders by telling us who did it, or allow us to eventually re-animate them completely. Perhaps this will lead to a new service offered by funeral homes: preserving the brains of your loved ones and hooking them up to virtual reality so they can continue to enjoy their afterlife. Of course, our meddling with the processes of death might just unleash a zombie apocalypse.

Career paths

If you hate your office A lot of people like working but hate offices: They can't stand uncomfortable clothes, or being inside all day, or the forced sociability around the water cooler. I am one of those people. It's the predictability that bothers me-there's something about knowing where you're going to be, every single day except weekends and holidays, that in my opinion is just a roadmap to the grave.  Fortunately, I've always been able to make a living in fields not tied to offices, and that kind of flexibility is even more available to young people these days: "We are seeing a preference to work remotely, or in the gig economy, and that's especially true for young, educated millennials in cities-and that's usually the first place we see the evolution of the economy," says Andrew Hanson, a senior research analyst at the Center for Education and the Workforceat Georgetown University. So that got me thinking: What are the best fields for people who don't want to be tied to a desk?  According to Anna Bray, a career counselor at Jody Michaels Associates , a Chicago-based firm that provides career coaching, that answer largely depends on why you don't want to work in an office: Are you not a computer person, but still like working with a team? Is it commuting that bugs you? Is it something as apparently minor as spending the day under fluorescent lights? Bray says, "Some people don't want to be tied to a desk, and some people want to be outdoors or at least have some outdoors elements in their day." Bray spends her day teasing out the nitty-gritty of exactly how people want to spend their working lives and what they're trying to avoid, and sometimes her clients surprise themselves (and her) by stumbling on career paths they never knew existed. If you, or your kid, are casting about for direction, consider the ideas below, culled from the Bureau of Labor Statistics' ratings for " outdoor work " and " general physical activity " and from a discussion with Andrew Hanson. For good measure, I've included BLS's employment outlook-but take this with a grain of salt. It projects that the field of "actor" will increase by 10%, faster than the national average, and I can't see encouraging a child to get into theater by telling them that it's a sturdy career. Gardening, grounds-keeping, and nursery and greenhouse managers Nursery and greenhouse managing has a "bright outlook" rating from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, and a 96 out of a 100 rating for work done out of doors. Landscaping and groundskeeping is 100 out of 100 and also enjoys a bright outlook. Grounds maintenanceis projected to grow by 7%, or about average, by 2024. If you're a green-thumb kind of person and like being outside, this might be the career for you.  Hospitality Hospitality, or working in restaurants, hotels, and tourist destinations, is for those grads who dislike office jobs but are still pretty social and like being part of a team. BLS rates that lodging managers have a job growth at about 8%, or about average, through 2024. The Cornell School of Hotel Management offers undergrad and graduate degrees in hotel management, which will give the applicant a leg up. (One note: hospitality doesn't tend to be very recession-proof. )  Medicine  If you're doctor, a nurse, a physician's assistant, an occupational therapist, a speech-language pathologist, and so on, you could spend a lot of time in an office, if you want to. But you can also be in a hospital setting, a school, or on the go as an EMT or paramedic. "Healthcare is the fastest-growing sector over the last decade," says Hanson. "Nursing is huge and one of the most lucrative. And some of the allied health fields (respiratory therapists, phlebotomists, etc.) don't require bachelor's degrees." Most practicing medical professionals aren't desk-bound. BLS rates EMT/paramedic as 96 out of 100 for outdoors work and it has a bright outlook -24%, or much faster than average. Physical therapy is even brighter, at 34% by 2024, and physician's assistantclocks in at 30%.  Construction and the trades Want to be outside and not be bothered with water-cooler chat? "Even with the decline in manufacturing, there are still a lot of blue-collar jobs," says Hanson. "Many do require some post-secondary education, like a certificate, or if you want to be a supervisor, you'll need a bachelor's or an MBA." Or be a roofer , to which BLS assigns a "bright outlook" and notes that you will be outside every single day. Because you're putting on a roof! My family was in construction trades; just the other day I was lamenting my desk-bound job and wishing I spent more time sitting on the roof. There aren't a lot of women represented, but that's changing: There are programs that prepare women for non-traditional employmentand the government sponsors registered apprenticeships for the skilled trades. Mechanics also get to avoid the office and work with their hands; if I had a mechanically inclined, office-averse kid, I'd suggest they look into being a wind-turbine service technician . Teaching/Academia Teaching, at the K-12 level and beyond, is great for people who want to be part of an institution and a community but don't want to be trapped at a computer filing TPS reports. Both elementary and high school teachers have an average job outlook, and the field ofpost-secondary teaching is projected to grow 13%, faster than average-though it is noted that hiring likely will be for part-time faculty. Adapted physical education teachers(creating and implement a PE curriculum for children with disabilities) has a particularly bright outlook. Forestry Conservation scientists and foresters have an average job outlook and good ratings on BLS for outdoors work. This sounds particularly awesome if you're an outdoorsy, tree-hugger kind of person, and are willing to gamble on there actually being forests and parks in a few years.  Science I once knew a family of field biologists who spent half the year on research expeditions and the other half teaching and writing for grants. It seemed like a pretty great life (one was a tropical marine biologist, if you want to feel some major envy.) BLS hasenvironmental scientists and specialists at an 11% growth (faster than average) andzoologist and wildlife biologist at 4% growth, or slower than average. But if you're choosing between science and acting, I'm going to say science is probably the safer bet.  Travel and transportation Bus drivers and truckers are projected to grow at about an average rate, so if you're fine with the sitting but still not especially social, this could be the job for you. (It looks like not a few truckers travel with a co-driver and their dogs , which might be an upside.) Flight attendants obviously don't work in an office, but nonetheless have to be social, wear uncomfortable clothes, are not outside, and certainly have commutes. BLS projects their job rate at 2%, which is not terrific, but on the flip side, you get to see a lot of cool places.  Police work/fire fighters/law enforcement A good deal of law enforcement is paperwork, but one is also out and about in the community. It's stressful and demanding work, and BLS projects it will grow at 4% (slower than average) but notes that "the continued desire for public safety is expected to lead to new openings for officers, although demand may vary by location." Police work also offers the opportunity for humanitarian and social work that shapes public policy: I was intrigued to see this story on how police officers are fighting the opioid epidemic by using more humane and community-oriented strategies than mass arrests. Retail The retail sector has grown as the manufacturing sector has declined, says Hanson, but while there are a lot of jobs, they aren't necessarily good jobs. Retail workers haven't benefitted from the protection of unions the way that manufacturing workers did. "You have to be a superstar to get a good job in retail," he says, "but there are still a lot of good jobs in management and finance." So if you like retail-being on your feet, helping people, working with a team-and feel like this the career for you, you might want to 1) get the bachelor's or MBA that will help you move up the ranks, or 2) get really good at union organizing. Even the recent moves toward increasing the minimum wage, Hanson says, "is not a substitute for a union wage." The retail sector is projected to grow at 7%, or an average rate, by 2024. The arts No, not being a stage actor. But according to Hanson, "We're seeing the rise of video and film outside of the major production companies"-from advocacy groups to media organizations to advertising. He notes that the people filling these jobs are not only creative types (arts and film majors), but also "a lot of folks with communications backgrounds, or social media marketing backgrounds." If a job seeker wants combine creative skills, teamwork, and digital film and TV experience, this might be a path for them. BLS puts film and video editors and camera operators at an 11%, or above average, growth. So here's something interesting: When I asked Hanson and Bray their one piece of advice for job seekers, they both said the same thing: Be flexible. Bray had a client who didn't want to be tied to an office who came up with two equally interesting career paths for himself: green-energy jobs, or opening up a bar/restaurant destination in the Caribbean. (My opinion is: Always take the career path that puts you in the Caribbean.) Another client, a games aficionado, is trying out designing and operating escape rooms . Bray says, "have fun with the process. The more you relax into it and have fun, the more possibilities will start to exist." Hanson counsels a similar mindset, with the added caveat to maybe just forget about the whole "passion" thing: "Our bias is to 'follow your passion,' but when we enter the workplace, we get surprised at the day-to-day grind of it. Passion builds over time when you do something you're good at. Be ready to be surprised, to be flexible. Do something that can provide value for others."



The technology game!

Technology has been a massive shift forward from the last few decades. From a time when one had to wait months for a letter, we have reached the era when everyone can connect with anyone, anywhere, anytime! Where there were no televisions, now we have televisions which work wirelessly. Technology has upgraded itself from being spacious to portable and being extra big to pocket size. Some of the greatest gadgets of the current time are listed below: 1. Amazon Echo It is a one-of-a-kind device with some extraordinary features. This device could respond to every sentence of yours, very politely and sincerely. Getting bored? Ask the Echo to tell a joke. Within no time, it’ll serve all your needs. The ravishing design of the Amazon Echo is just like a round bottle of your talcum powder. 2. Xbox One S A totally new definition in the world of gaming. It's smaller it's prettier, and it's got a new gamepad. The graphics defined by the developers are Olympian. Microsoft has always come up with something new, starting from Xbox 360 to Xbox One S.  3. Apple iPhone 7 Apple has been an all-rounder in the tech companies. It has faced an upliftment which led to the touching of the sky. Its evolution from iPhone 3GS to iPhone 6s has been terrific. And now iPhone 7 is a total game changer. With sleek designs, ultimate features, and the stunning colors, this multinational technology company never fails to amaze us! 4. Reliance Jio One of the most rapidly growing ventures in India, the Reliance Jio has been a very tough competition to existing telecom firms. Jio is a 4G LTE mobile network operator in India. The launch of Jio was a game changer for all the telecom companies. The unmatched 4G network and unlimited voice calling with the lowest data rate globally attracted more than 100 million people across the country. With the technology reaching new heights with each passing day, the day when we have solutions to every tech related problem isn't far.

E-learning solutions

E-Learning Solutions for Organizational Training In today's highly-competitive business environment, no company wants to be left behind in the race to reach the top. Starting from a well-planned business model to a strong work flow process, an organization has to continuously maintain a high-level of commitment towards its business goals. One would agree that an organization's success largely depends on its workforce and a well-informed and technically sound workforce can be an asset to any organization. Therefore, one witnesses organizations willing to nurture its workforce through regular and advanced trainings, to enhance skills and expertise. Organizations schedule regular employee trainings, on a weekly or on a monthly basis, depending on the requirement. Earlier, organizational trainings followed the classroom-based teaching method. Though successful, such trainings meant consumption of a large amount of printed material, thus increasing training costs. Another drawback of the classroom-based teaching was that the trainers had to evaluate trainees' assignments manually, which consumed a lot of time of the trainers. With the advent of e learning, the scenario is changing dramatically. E-learning has several benefits, such as it being less expensive, flexible, self-paced, easily manageable, and consistent. There many companies in the market that provide e learning solutions to corporates. These companies also extend their support for implementing the learning management system (LMS) in the organization. Besides that they help organizations in, assessing the skill-gap analysis of their employees and selecting the apt training modules for their employees. With the help of these e-learning companies, organizations are able to manage all the training needs of their employees without having to increase their budget, meant for trainings. By implementing the learning management system, organizations are able to groom their employees in a better way. Since every industry functions differently and their training needs vary, the LMS content can be customized, as per the needs of an industry. All that an organization needs to do, is to communicate the e-learning solution provider, with the requirements of the required training modules. These e learning solution providers, with help of their expert content developers, subject matter experts, and instructional designers, develop high-quality content. Organizations that do not wish to take the burden of maintaining the LMS, have the option of outsourcing to an off-shoring company. By outsourcing, the organizations can reduce their associated training costs by 20-40 percent. However, it is recommended that organizations do a background check on the off-shoring company, prior to outsourcing any work to them. The past clientele, quality of the content, and turn-around-time could be a good indicator for considering any off-shoring company.

Ergonomics in Transportation (Bus)

Ergonomics in Transportation (Bus)

Guinea in your home

1. Buying Your Cavy From a Pet Store Unfortunately this is a huge mistake that happens far too often. You go into a pet store and see a piggy that makes your heart melt, and then see that it's crammed into a small aquarium with four other guinea pigs. Your initial thought is that if you buy this special pig, you'll be rescuing it, and therefore it's a good thing you chose to buy a guinea pig at a pet store. Really, the best thing you can do is to actively avoid supporting that pet store so that hopefully some day it won't exist and those animals won't be treated that way, especially when there are literally thousands of guinea pigs in shelters that need homes. Supporting pet stores that mistreat animals is the perfect example of an easily avoidable, but all-too-common mistake for new owners. The "cages" they use are usually aquariums that aren't big enough for even one pig, but often house three or more at a time. These practices are no secret and have been a problem for years. If you are interested in owning a guinea pig, the best thing to do is to adopt. A rescue that is specific to small pets like guinea pigs will know how to care for a cavy more than any pet store will, guaranteed. Guinea pigs that come from pet stores aren't cared for as well, and are likely in a worse state of health. Your local rescue will also be able to answer any question under the sun regarding your newfound pet, which might not be true of the 17-year-old working at the pet store. Another good thing about adopting? You can easily find cagemates, so it eliminates the entire "introducing a new pig" dilemma. My guinea pigs are brothers who have been cagemates for life, and I received a two-for-one special because the woman who rescued them knows how important it is for cagemates to stay together. Her husband was a vet, so I knew that when I adopted these two baby boars, they would be at optimal health. After over three years, we still stay in touch and she asks how they are doing from time to time. You can't find that kind of care in a store. But what if you want a young guinea? Don't worry, there are thousands of guinea pigs of all different ages waiting for homes at shelters and rescues (and don't rule the mature pigs out until you meet them). If you assume that you can only get a fresh new guinea at a pet store, you might want to think again. 2. Assuming That Guinea Pigs Are Fine Without Cagemates This is another common misconception about guinea pigs. A lot of people think that owning just one pig is fine, and that it doesn't need a friend. This may be true if you have enough time to give it the attention it's lacking from a cagemate, but most people have jobs or school. Imagine if you were left to spend an entire day in a confined space. Would you survive? Of course, but it'd be a lot better if you had a friend with you. Guinea pigs are very social animals. They are also a prey animal, so no matter how many hours you spend hanging out with your guinea pig, I'm sorry but your guinea pig would still rather hang out with another guinea pig. Humans are scary to piggies, while other piggies are protection. "Ew but two guinea pigs would smell so much more!" No, not really. If you have an appropriately sized cage for two pigs, your cage will not smell any worse than your current cage does. I've owned one pig; now I own two, and I don't notice a difference in odor at all. What I did notice is that it is much more fun to have two pigs than just one. Why? Because watching them interact, seeing their differences in personalities, and catching them cuddling together is much more rewarding than looking at one pig with a blank look on its face who is terrified of me. 3. Buying a Cage That Is Too Small If you bought a cage from a pet store, it's probably too small. Even if you splurged on the biggest cage in the store that cost over $100, not only is your cage probably still not big enough, but you also wasted a ton of money. The best way to ensure that you are getting an appropriate cage for your cavy is to build your own guinea pig cage. This is much easier than it sounds and much more cost effective than trying to buy a cage that is big enough. For the price you paid for your cage from the pet store, you could have built what's known as a C&C cage triple the size. The C&C stand for cube (the wire storage cubes you can assemble with plastic connectors) and coroplast (corrugated plastic). Some may look at an appropriate cage for a guinea pig and think that it is way too big, but if you look at how an average-sized guinea pig compares to the size of an average store-bought cage, you can see it'd be like keeping a hamster in a shoebox. Would you keep a hamster in a cage the size of a shoebox? Just because it can turn around and take five steps doesn't mean it's an acceptable size. Exercise is a necessity for the longevity of guinea pigs, just as it is in all other living things. If a Labrador was kept in a pen that was only big enough for it to take a few steps each day, most would consider it animal abuse, so why is it okay to give that same treatment to a guinea pig? An Example Of A Bad Cage Petsmart says this cage is a "perfectly sized home for your guinea pig". Not only is this cage less than half the size it should be, the $60 you would have spent buying it could have built you a C&C cage in the right size, with cash to spare. | Source An Example Of A Good Cage Choosing to build a C&C cage means the sky's the limit to all different types of customizations. This is a 2x4 C&C cage that my piggies Wilson and Apollo currently share. | Source Cage Size Guidelines # Of Guinea Pigs Minimum Size Acceptable Preferred Size In C&C Grids 1 7.5 Sq Ft more 2x3 grids 2 7.5 Sq Ft 10.5 Sq Ft 2x4 grids 3 10.5 Sq Ft 13 Sq Ft 2x5 grids 4 13 Sq Ft more 2x6 grids If you have male guinea pigs, the preferred size acts as more of a requirement than a suggestion. Boars often tend to fight more, and therefore require more space to have alone time. A rule of thumb is basically the bigger the cage, the happier the pet. 4. Neglecting Nutrition This is probably the most important thing to get right when raising a guinea pig. As with any other living thing, nutrition for guinea pigs is not something to take lightly. Follow these guidelines to ensure you're doing everything you can for your piggy's diet: Pellets: Dry food, or pellets, come in all different types, brands, and prices. Most of the pellets you will find in stores are ones that should be avoided. This articlegives an in-depth discussion on what to look for, and what not to look for in guinea pig pellets. Popular brands used by guinea pig experts include Oxbow Cavy Cuisine (my favorite, which can be found cheaper online than it can in stores), and pellets sold by KMS Hayloft. Hay: Your guinea pig needs an unlimited supply of hay at all times. Oh, the wonders of hay—guinea pigs need it for many reasons. Their digestive systems require a high-fiber diet in order to keep things running smoothly, if you catch my drift. Not only that, but their teeth are constantly growing, and chewing hay keeps the growth of their molars under control. Piggies love to eat hay, sleep in hay, play with hay—everything. If a guinea pig made a Valentine's Day card, it would be to hay. When you purchase your pig's new best friend, look for second-cut Timothy hay. Second-cut means that it's the second cut of the season—the first cut tends to be tough, so you want the second, more tender, batch—and Timothy hay is a type of grass grown specifically for hay. You can get hay in stores (not the best option), online (much better option), or from a trusted local Timothy-hay farmer (the best!). Start stocking up and spoiling your pig with ample amounts of hay; it will be greatly appreciated. Fruits & Veggies: Guinea pigs should get a wide range of different fruits and vegetables every day. It can be fun to see what different fruits and vegetables your pig prefers. My pigs' absolute favorite vegetables are carrots. Follow this detailed nutrition chart from a popular guinea pig website to see what vegetables and fruits are acceptable, as well as appropriate serving sizes. A Few Additional Tips Sugar-filled, wacky-flavored, colorful guinea pig treats are not good. There are probably appropriate treats through brands such as Oxbow, but a general rule of thumb is that if you aren't positive about how good it is for your pig, don't buy it. Some people try to sell hay balls that go in your cage and act as a movable hay rack. These have been known to be very dangerous to pigs because piggies get their little feet stuck inside them. If a pellet food looks delicious to you, it's most likely bad for your pig. Look for plain pellets. Avoid any with mixes of seeds, nuts, and weird-colored shapes. Never feed your pet iceberg lettuce. It is not nutritious and can cause diarrhea. The greener the leaf, the healthier the lettuce. Salt wheels = bad. If you feed your pig high-quality food such as Oxbow, it already has enough sodium in its diet. 5. Using the Wrong Guinea Pig Bedding One of the most common types of bedding used in guinea pig cages is in the form of wood shavings or paper-based bedding. This is completely fine if you are using the appropriate kind (not pine, cedar, or sawdust). However, wood shavings may not be the best choice for the health of your piggy. Small bits of wood, paper, or dust inhaled by a guinea pig may cause respiratory problems or bother its sensitive eyes. Wood shavings and paper-based bedding can be kicked around easily, and isn't the cleanest option because your guinea pig will be living in its own waste until you completely clean the cage. Although many people use wood- and paper-based bedding, it isn't a very eco-friendly choice, and it can get crazy expensive. This leads me to my next tip: the magic of using fleece bedding. Fleece is a newer bedding option that has been sweeping the cavy nation. It is cheaper than any other option and more eco-friendly. Using fleece allows you to "spot clean" your cage daily, so your piggy can literally live in a poo-free world if you want. Instead of absorbing urine like paper or wood bedding would do, thus becoming soggy, fleece allows it to pass straight through (underneath the fleece, you should have two layers of a towel or something similar that you will have to wash periodically), so the top layer is left completely dry to the touch. It doesn't hurt that cleanup's a snap and your cage looks better either.

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