Aditya Sethi


Student at .

Certified in Cyber security

Exception Handling in C#

Following document contains information regarding the exception handling in c# program including examples

Introduction to c#

Following document contains the basic information related to the basic introduction and functionality of c# program, how to code it, and why. change the extension of example files from .txt to .cs to execute

Interpretation of Histograms

Following document contain information regarding basic Interpretation of Histograms and introduction to basic concepts

WaterFall model

Following document gives a brief explanation on Waterfall model and its applications in software engineering

Neutron Service openstack

Following document contains information regarding Neutron Service in openstack and how to configure neutron

google Cloud Platform

Following document contains details related to the the Google cloud Platform and its application use in real day to day life.

C++ Programming Full Notes

Following Documents contain complete notes from Introduction to advance concepts of c++ programing

Computer Network Notes.

Following documents contain notes related to Computer Networks including introduction, Basics and Advance concepts of networking.

Cloud Computing Notes

Following document contains notes related to the basic concepts of Cloud Computing, explaining different types of cloud environment

Python and Ruby Programming Language

Following document contains complete noted to understand both basic and advanced concepts of Python and Ruby programming.

Keystone Service

Following document gives an complete overview of how a Keystone server works in a private cloud computing document.

Pretty Good Privacy

Following Document gives an overview of how the PGP principles work on day to day life and how to apply these principles. Based on cryptographic and network security