Chiranji Nagarani

I've been pursuing my graduation . And im very much interested in content writing and article writing. And I love to explore.

Student at University college of engineering and technology for women

Studied at Model high school

Certified in Line follower robot workshop

Program to explain 1-D array implementing new and delete operator.

Here we are introducing two special operators in 1-dimensional array. They are new and delete. Here new is used to allocate space for an object. Delete is used for freeing the space which was previously allocated by new operator.

Program to explain factorial of a given number using recursion.

Let us know the meaning of recursion first. Recursion means the third digit is equal to the sum of first two digits. That is called recursion. It may be addition , multiplication. Factorial means product of all the numbers upto the given number.

Program to print 1-10 numbers using for .

This is a simple basic program of c++ using for loop. In for loop we have 3 terms to explain . Initialization, incrementation or decrementation , checking inequalities. So using for loop considering every digit each time we check the conditions inside the loop and if it is true we print that digit.

Program to explain call by reference

Call by reference means that object or data variable is called by introducing a reference variable . We consider any variable to make the reference of existing variables. Here in call by reference swapping of numbers takes place.

Program to implement friend function

Friend function is used to access the private data members of a class. The syntax of implementing friend function is : Friend data type show (class name); Ex: friend void show(sample); The above mentioned program explains just to assign the values to the variables and how can a friend function access those data members.

Program to implement static data members

Here static variable is introduced . Syntax of implementing static variable is : static data type variable name; Ex: static int a Here using class ,objects are created. Ex: class test put data() ,get data() are used to print and scan the inputs and outputs...same as printed and scanf .

Degree of relationship

It is to explain that how many types of relations can be made for an entity. They are of three types majorly . 1. One -to-many 2.many-to-one 3.many-to-many And you can know briefly with the pictorial representation in the above mentioned file.

Program to explain shorthand operators

This prpgram explains how to use shorthand operators and their functions.

Program to explain memory allocation malloc() and calloc().

This program explains about yhe memory allocation using malloc() and calloc().

Program to create student FILE

Program which explains how to create a student file and access the data.

Program to explain type casting

This programs explains the tyoe conversion ...which changes data type from one to other.

Program to explain conditional operators.

This program explains the usage of conditional operators.