Khushboo Gupta

Student at Bharati vidyapeeth college of engineering for women

Basic Circuit Analysis

1)Fundamental quantities 2)Unit of measurement 3)Power and Energy 4)Direction and Polarity 5)Independent Sources 6)Dependent Sources 7)Circuit 8)Kirrchoff's Law 9)Overview of Analysis 10)Star to Delta Conversion 11)Delta to Star Conversion 12) Thevenin and Norton theorems 13)Mesh Analysis 14)Nodal Analysis 15)Superposition

Stack and Queue

Stacks And Queues 1)Stack Analogy 2)Queue Analogy 3)Applications 4)Using Stacks 5)A Stack Interface 6)Stack Implementations 7)Arrays vs Linked list Implementations 8)A Queue Interface 9)Queue Implementations 10)Queue with a Circular Array


1)Trees 2)Application of Trees 3)Tree ADT 4)Tree Implementation 5)Application on trees: Depth, Height 6)Trees Traversal (with eg.) 8)Binary tree a) Properties of binary tree b)Binary tree implementation c)Binary tree operations d)Binary tree traversals 9)Application: Tree drawing 10)Binary tree searching 11)Binary Search Trees 12)Sorting a BST 13)Searching in a BST 14)Inserting in a BST 15)Deleting in a BST 16)BST performance


Queue 1)Basic Operations a)Enqueue b)Dequeue c)Peek d)Isfull e)Isempty 2)Algorithm of enqueue 3)Algorithm of dequeue


1)Array vs Linklists 2)Array vs Lists 3)The Node Class 4)Single linked list class a) Inserting at head b)Inserting in the middle c)Get the Ith element d)Remove at head e)Insert at tail f)Delete at tail 5)Linked lists 6)Linked lists with tail a)Insert at tail b)Remove at tail 7)Doubly Linked lists a)Insert at head b)Insert at tail 8)Sentinels 9)DLLists with sentinels 10)Extensions 11)Linked list in Java