piyush bansal

Student at Maharaja Soorajmal Instittute of Technology


piyush bansal's Stashed Knowledge

IT 4th sem ipu notes

Available the entire 4th semester IT notes, speacially for ip university students. The attatchments Includes topics such as COA, CS, DBMS, TOC, etc. The notes can be useful while examination time for preparation and practice. #ipuniversity

EEE 4th sem Full notes ipu

Notes available for students of electronics. The content includes topics such as Control Sytem, Electricak machine part-1, Electrical Measurements, Electromagnetic Theory, Power System, etc. The notes can e used for preparation and examination purpose. #IPuniversity

Hacking Books

We provide you with the best Ethical Hacking Books Collection. The attatchment includes topics such as 501 websites secrets, a beginners guide for hacking, Infrastructure Hacking, Application and Data Hacking, etc. Read them and become a Famous Ethical Hacker

Understanding Electric Utilities and De-Reguration

The topic discussed in the attatchments below is of the course electronics and subject- robotics. The content in the documents below comprises of topics such as Electric Utility Functions and Systems, Vertical Integration and Monopoly Regulation, Independently Operated Regional Transmission Grids, etc.

Let Us C with Solution

Are you keen to learn? available is the world famous Programming language "C" by the famous indian writer "yashwant kanetkar". Attached document is a book 'Let us C', fifth edition. The content includes topics such as The Decision Control Structure, The Loop Control Structure, The Case Control Structure, Functions & Pointers, Data Types Revisited, etc.