Notes on LLP

This knowledge gives information about Limited Liability Partnership,its specifications and issues surrounding it#NMIMS

HR consulting overview

This knowledge deals woth structure and offerings in a consulting firm,role of a consulting firm  and explain the approach followed for consulting with cmpanies on HR issues along with case studies#NMIMS

Notes on Corporate Law

This knoweldge is a detailed notes on multiple aspects of Business law explained through different cases#NMIMS

Organizational culture practices

A ppt explaining organizational culture in an indepth manner

Eastern and western worldviews

Notes on the two predominant world views

Notes on enlightened citizenship

Notes on enlightened citizenship to understand the decision making better

Notes on rectification of error

Notes on identification and rectification of errors,The document includes a problem to solve and prepare and income and expenditure account #NMIMS

Handout on Non-performing assets

handout for sums of Non-performing assets #NMIMS

Notes on Revenue Recognition

This knowledge briefly explains the recognition of revenue from sale of inventory,asset,service rendering etc and also includes some exceptions.Revenue Recognition in Accounts #NMIMS

Notes on Non-profiit operations

This knowledge explains briefly about non profit organization and concpets related to it .Notes on NPO to understand how it functions. #NMIMS

Notes on Nasscom

It gives thorough description about NASSCOM,its overview,characteristics, and strategy.#NMIMS