Two pass assembly

No matter what the assembly language is, an assembler needs to assign memory locations to symbols (called identifiers) and use the numeric location address in the target machine language produced. Of course the same address must be used for all occurrences of a given identifier and two different identifiers must (normally) be assigned two different locations.

The conceptually simplest way to accomplish this is to make two passes over the input (read it once, then read it again from the beginning). During the first pass, each time a new identifier is encountered, an address is assigned and the pair (identifier, address) is stored in a symbol table. During the second pass, whenever an identifier is encountered, its address is looked up in the symbol table and this value is used in the generated machine instruction.


Linkers, a.k.a. linkage editors combine the output of the assembler for several different compilations. That is the horizontal line of the diagram above should really be a collection of lines converging on the linker. The linker has another input, namely libraries, but to the linker the libraries look like other programs compiled and assembled. The two primary tasks of the linker are

  1. Relocating relative addresses.
  2. Resolving external references (such as the procedure xor() above).

Amrita Bagchi

Amrita Bagchi Creator

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Amrita Bagchi